Thanks for the fast reply. I just grabbed the plugin from ThemeForest and now I can see the bug fix and it works. Still showing the same version for the plugin, though (3.0.2), but we’re up and running. Thanks.
Must have been from a recent auto update. porto_woo.php code shows no such “load_packages()” method. I had to rem out ‘self::load_packages();’ to get my site back up.
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Packages;
defined(‘ABSPATH’) || exit;
* Remove woo gutenberg blocks.
* @since 2.7.0
class Porto_Woo extends Packages
* The Constructor
* @since 2.7.0
public function __construct()
remove_action(‘plugins_loaded’, array(‘Packages’, ‘on_init’));
if (!is_admin() && get_option(‘porto_disable_woo_blocks’, false)) {
unset(self::$packages[‘woocommerce-blocks’]); // woocommerce block
if (function_exists(‘yit_maybe_plugin_fw_loader’)) {
function yith_plugin_fw_is_gutenberg_enabled()
return false;
new Porto_Woo();