Tag - Feature

What is Quick Access?

Porto offers lots of options for one element. So sometimes it's difficult for you to find the options you want. For this weakness, Porto 6.6.0 provides Quick Access Selector. With this, you can go straight to the option you want.

Usage Data Sharing

Porto 6.5.0 offers the new feature to Setup Wizard for improving porto. This feature sends the necessary informations for the Porto. They are not sensetive for you. Please switch on this feature for the Porto Team then we will prove the better theme to you.

Shop Catalog Mode

Catalog Mode is generally used to hide some product fields such as price, add to cart button on shop and product detail pages. You can set this in WooCommerce of Theme Option. And you can also apply this mode to particular roles. But this mode is not available to Soft...

About the Menu Type

Porto offers the several menu elements. The elements are Navigation Menu and Porto Side Menu. There should be only one entity for one menu. You can display the Menus on various locations with Navigation Menu - Main Menu, Secondary Menu, Top Navigation, Language Switcher, Account Menu. Switcher First porto mentions the...

Porto Studio

Porto Studio is a website building tool which provides pre-defined layouts and styles for Porto. Porto Studio includes whole web site templates including pages, page sections, headers, footers, single products, blocks, etc. Please check Porto Studio site to see what Porto Studio is and how it works. Studio Candidate From 6.6.0 and...