
Compatible Page Builders

Page Builder helps you build your site by only drag & dropping page elements to the page. This enables you to create any pixel-perfect design page, even if you feel lack of programming knowledge. Porto is compatibile with WordPress Gutenberg Editor, WPBakery Page Builder, Elementor and Visual Composer and provides...

How to Register Porto

Once Porto is installed, the next thing to do is to register your purchase using purchase code. Without registering Porto, it is disabled to auto-update theme and plugins, install demos and import studio blocks. To register Porto, just navigate Porto -> Dashboard or Porto -> Setup Wizard -> Activate. According to the...

Porto Patcher

Porto Patcher is a tool that allows customers to quickly and easily fix bugs that they may encounter in their theme. Here's a possible documentation post for using Porto Patcher: Using Porto Patcher in WordPress Porto Patcher is a feature built into the Porto WordPress theme that allows you to quickly and...

Points to be noted when migrating to Porto 6.10.0

Porto 6.10.0 released and fixed major user-friendly issues. Porto 6.10.0 release is here, bringing exciting new features and important bug fixes. First of all, we strongly recommend backing up your database before updating. This precautionary measure will ensure the safety of your data in case any unforeseen issues arise during...