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Porto comes with advanced settings panel using wordpress customizer which contains options. We have the options organized into logical tabbed sections, and each option has a description of what it will do on the front end.

Theme options page is divided into options panel on the left and customizer’s preview window on the right. If you change any option in the options panel, the changes will be applied immediately in the preview window. But changed options will not be saved unless you click ‘Publish’ button. Porto uses wordpress selective refresh for the options so you can avoid refreshes and improve responsiveness when changing options.

Porto also displays tooltips on mouse hover for page elements including header and footer which has layout and skin settings. If you click this tooltip, it will go to the related options section.

Because of the undefined amount of options Porto provides, we cannot go over them in full detail here in our documentation. We encourage you to take some time to navigate through each tab to see what we offer. Go to Porto > Theme Options  on admin sidebar to access the setting options. See below short descriptions of our Theme Options panel.

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Advanced Options Mon, 15 Oct 2018 10:06:11 +0000 The post Advanced Options appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Please go to Porto -> Advanced Options. Advanced Options panel contains advanced theme options which are global and can be set without previewer.

General – These options allow you to enable Site Loader and Site Search.

Skin – Custom CSS and Javascript

Portfolio – These options allow you to enable portfolio content type and set portfolio post type names.

Event – These options allow you to enable event content type and set event post type names.

Member – These options allow you to enable member content type and set member post type names.

FAQ – These options allow you to enable faq content type and set faq post type names.

Extra – These options allow you to input Google Map api key and set some extra content settings.

Extra -> SEO – This options allow you to enable adding Microdata Rich Snippets for breadcrumb and post title and rel=”nofollow” option for mobile menu items.

Extra -> 404 error – This option allows you to set custom text for 404 page.

Extra -> BuddyPress – These options assist integration between BBPress, BuddyPress and Porto.

Extra -> Social Share – These options allow you to link your social media accounts to your website, as well as to upload custom social media icons.

Extra -> Slider Config – These options allow you to control the slider.

Import & Export – These options allow you to import sample settings as our demo sites and export your own settings value. This will import or export theme options in the customizer too.

Font Control – These options allow you to configure the custom fonts.  You should upload the font zip file. If you imported custom font, you can change the fonts in Theme Options > Skin > Typography.

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Page/Post View Options Mon, 22 Jul 2019 06:19:59 +0000 The post Page/Post View Options appeared first on Porto Documentation.


View Options is a meta box which allows you to set view options for single post page.

If you want to change default theme options for special page/posts, you can use this meta box.
For example, If you want to use right sidebar for a page though default page layout is without sidebar, you can click “Layout & Sidebar” checkbox in View Options meta box and change “Layout” to Right Sidebar and select “Sidebar”.

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How to set layout for custom post type Mon, 13 Jun 2022 10:38:06 +0000 The post How to set layout for custom post type appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Up-to-date versions have not set the layout for Unlimted Post Types. Porto 6.4.0 settles this fault. Our Theme provides Layout options to Theme option.
This option is useful to serveral custom post types.

How To Set the layout.

Step 1. Install Post Types Unlimited plugin and add new post type.

Step 2. If you publish new custom post type, Unlimted Post Types tab will be appeared in theme option. There you can set the layout of archive and single page.

Custom Layout

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General Wed, 27 Jul 2022 00:29:04 +0000 The post General appeared first on Porto Documentation.


General tab includes HTML Blocks, Logo, Icons, Site Search. These options control the Skin meta options, Skeleton, Loading overlay and Layout of page, header, footer, breadcrumb.

HTML Blocks.

At this part, You can control blocks such as Top, Content Top, Content Inner Top, Content Inner Bottom, Content Bottom, Bottom.
To see blocks’ location, check Page Layouts section. You should input html or slug of block. You can get block slug easily in the Shortcode of  Templates Builder.

You should input as like porto_block id=”xx”  or raw html code like ‘<div class=””></div> in textarea option.

Block Slug

Here are the structure of  textarea.

Porto Page Layouts

Logo, Icons

With these options, you can set various logos and icons and size of them – Default, Sticky Header, Mobile, Retina Logo and favicon.

Site Search

This parts enable to make Live Search and search product by SKU, Product Tag.

Site Search

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Skin Wed, 27 Jul 2022 03:24:01 +0000 The post Skin appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Skin is an integral part of designing and maintaining your website design. With this management, you can update the entire site’s color scheme.

Theme Colors

With theme colors, you can control primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, dark, light and social icon colors. Also you can build dark theme with inverse colors.

Theme Color Panel


To control the container, you can use this part. You can also set the theme skin to be light or dark.

Skin Layout


With the Typography options in the Theme Option panel, you can set fonts( body, heading, paragaph and custom font ) for the website. Porto also provides Google Fonts and custom font by using Font Control in the Theme Option panel.


These options set backgrounds for body, page content and content bottom area.
In soft mode(Full Site Editing), this tab is removed because it’s unnecessary. You can give this styles with builders.


Header tab set the background and color of header – General, Top, Main, Bottom, Sticky.
You can also build the header with header builder. In this case, the panel options don’t work. Porto Version 6.3.0 clear the unavailable options for soft mode(Full Site Editing)

Main Menu

In this tab, you can control the background and typography of main menu – Top Level Menu Item, Popup,Tip and Content. You can also give some options for proper header type.
If you build the menus with Porto Widgets, the theme options might be overrided.  So Porto Version 6.3.0 clear the unavailable options for soft mode(Full Site Editing)


You can manage typography, color, space for breadcrumb. Porto provides breadcrumb widget, so that the theme options won’t be worked well for widget. Before setting the these options, you should choose the breadcrumb type in Theme Options/Breadcrumbs. 

Breadcrumb Skin


In Legacy mode, you can build the footer only with theme options. These options manage widgets, columns, ribbon copyright text and etc. Porto offers the footer builder, you can build the footer easily and freely. In this case, the footer skin options don’t work. So the soft mode(Full Site Editing) clear the almost the footer options.

Mobile Menu

Mobile menu is controlled only by the theme options. This skin options manage the text color, hover color and background of toggle and menu.

Mobile Menu Skin

Language, Currency Switcher

Manage the background color, hover and link color.

Language and Currency Switcher

Search Form

Manage the skin of Search Form. Porto offers the search form widget for header builder and search form type in the Theme options/Header.

Search Form

Mini Cart

Manage the skin of mini cart. Porto also offers the mini-cart widget with header builder. If you use this widget, some options be overrided by widget.

Mini Cart


Manage the color, background color, hot and label skin for Add to Cart, Wishlist and Quick View.

Form Style

Manage the default style such as font size, color, background color, border color and …..

Sidebar Style

You can control sidebar border width and padding.

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Header Wed, 03 Aug 2022 07:38:34 +0000 The post Header appeared first on Porto Documentation.


In this panel, you can set the layout options for header. Porto provides classic header types, header builder in WordPress customizer panel and header builder using page builders.

If you builder header with Porto header builder, you can’t use some of these options. Because of that, the Soft Mode(Full Site Edting) has removed the unnecessary options.

Header Type

Now there are two ways in which to build your header. The way we recommend is to create your own fully custom Header using Porto Builder, import one of prebuilt header layouts.

Header Type on Legacy Mode
Header Type on Legacy Mode

Language, Currency Switcher

In this part, we’ll be focusing on the Switcher and the different layouts and options you can set for them.

Language, Currency Switcher

Social Links

You can manage the global social icons and their links for the website.

Social Links

Search Form

Porto Header Builder includes the search form widget. There is no need of some options for the widget.  With theme options, you can manage the layout, search type, category and subcategories.

Search Form for Legacy Mode
Search Form for Soft Mode

Sticky Header

You can also still set up sticky headers via the Global Options. In this panel, you can enable the sticky header and show or hide the elements such as Logo, Search Form and Mini Cart.

Sticky Header


This tab is only for the Legacy Mode.  This manages the Mini-Cart, Wishlist, Compare and Account Menu. So that these options are overrided by widget options.

WooCommerce Option

Mobile Panel

Manage the panel of mobile toggle menu. This panel includes the Search Box, Language and Currency Switcher.

Mobile Panel

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Menu Wed, 03 Aug 2022 11:48:20 +0000 The post Menu appeared first on Porto Documentation.


When assigning Menus, Porto also offers several theme options to help customize the menu. When styling your various menu locations, the settings will be here. Some of these might be overrided by Porto Menu elements.


As you can see over feature, there are 6 types of main menu. And unders are the examples of 6 main menu types.

Normal: Maybe you can see normal main menu type in Home Classic.

Flat: Home Corporate 6 use flat main menu type.

Flat & Border: Shop Demo 30 use flat & border main menu type.

Top Border on hover: You can see this type in Home Corporate 8.

Thick Underline on hover: Please visit Home Classic Light and you can  see this type.

Popup: This type is popular in business demos and you can see it in Architecture & Interior Design.

If you want to know about menu in more detail, please visit Menu Setup, How to build a megamenu and About the menu type.

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Breadcrumb Wed, 03 Aug 2022 12:05:30 +0000 The post Breadcrumb appeared first on Porto Documentation.


The Breadcrumb is the horizontal bar/section that sits directly below the header.

You can choose the type and customize it. Porto offers the page header element. With this, you can display it individually per page or post. If you set the different type from Theme Option  in the element, the breadcrumb should be different from the presets.

Breadcrumb in Theme Option
Breadcrumb in Widget

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Footer Wed, 03 Aug 2022 12:19:20 +0000 The post Footer appeared first on Porto Documentation.


If you do wish to build a footer using the traditional method, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the Footer options. These options affect your website’s footer. This allows you to customize and add copyright and social icons.  If you build with the footer builder, some of them won’t be worked. Soft Mode(Full Site Editing) has removed the options because it requests a few options.

Footer Options for Legacy Mode
Footer on Soft Mode

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