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Porto provides live ajax search on header search box.


We can enable live search in Theme Options panel.

Search by Sku: This option allows search products by sku.
Search by Product Tag: This option allows search products by tags.

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How to enable skeleton screens Tue, 24 Dec 2019 06:09:02 +0000 The post How to enable skeleton screens appeared first on Porto Documentation.


What is Skeleton Screens?

Skeleton screens are blank pages that will be progressively populated with content, such as text and images, as they become available. Grey or neutral-toned filled shapes, called placeholders, meet the user instantly upon user interaction with calls to action or links. The placeholders which we call as "Skeleton Screens" are then replaced with the actual site content after page loading completed and it is ready to display.

If we use skeleton screens, we can decrease page loading time up to 90 or 95 percent.

How to enable Skeleton Screens?

Please go to Porto -> Theme Options -> General -> Show Skeleton Screens.
You can find four button sets: Shop Pages, Product Page, Product Quickview and Blog Pages.
We can enable skeleton screens for these four pages by selecting them.

How to customize (draw or build) skeletons?

Each skeletons are drawn using css "background-image: linear-gradient". You can find its code in "Skeleton screen" section in style.php.
If you want to change default product skeleton in shop pages, you can use following css selector.
.products.skeleton-body li:before { background-image: linear-gradient... }

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How to add single page navigation Tue, 24 Dec 2019 06:09:23 +0000 The post How to add single page navigation appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Single page navigation consists of sections of fullscreen area and dots navigation which navigates to each section.
We can build single page navigation using Porto Section Scroll element.
If you want to know how single page navigation works, please check corporate 20 demo.

- Section Selectors: jQuery section selectors. We can enter Element IDs for each sections and input them separated by comma here.
- Section Titles: Section titles separated by comma to be displayed in Dots Navigation. It should be same order as Section Selectors.

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How to use creative grid Tue, 24 Dec 2019 06:17:09 +0000 The post How to use creative grid appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Creative grid is a collection of pre-defined grid layouts like the following.

Porto Masonry Container, Porto Products, Porto Product Categories, Porto Blog and Porto Portfolios elements support Creative Grid layout.

How to add custom layout?

Porto provides 11 pre-defined creative grid layouts by default.
We can add custom layouts using “porto_creative_grid_layout_images” and “porto_creative_grid_layouts” filters.
All default layouts are defined in porto_creative_grid_layout function in shortcodes/lib/functions.php of porto-functionality plugin.

Below code shows how to add 12th custom layout like following image using functions.php in child theme.
*Note: We suppose that new grid layout image is located in child themes’s assets/images/creative_grid/ directory.

add_filter( 'porto_creative_grid_layout_images', 'porto_child_custom_creative_grid_layout_names' );
function porto_child_custom_creative_grid_layout_names( $layouts ) {
    $layouts = array_merge(
            get_theme_file_uri( 'assets/images/creative_grid/12.jpg' ) => '12',
    return $layouts;

add_filter( 'porto_creative_grid_layouts', 'porot_child_custom_creative_grid_layouts', 10, 2 );
function porot_child_custom_creative_grid_layouts( $default, $layout_id ) {
    if ( '12' == $layout_id ) {
        return array(
            array( 'height' => '1', 'height_md' => '1', 'width' => '1-3', 'width_md' => '1', 'size' => 'large' ),
            array( 'height' => '1-2', 'height_md' => '1-2', 'width' => '1-3', 'width_md' => '1', 'size' => 'blog-masonry-small' ),
            array( 'height' => '1-2', 'height_md' => '1-2', 'width' => '1-3', 'width_md' => '1', 'size' => 'blog-masonry-small' ),
            array( 'height' => '1', 'height_md' => '1', 'width' => '1-3', 'width_md' => '1', 'size' => 'large' ),
    return $default;

'width_md' and 'height-md': set the width or height when window width < 768px.
'1-2' means half and '1-3' means one third.

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How to create custom 404 page content Tue, 24 Dec 2019 06:26:33 +0000 We can create a custom Porto block using Page Builder and elements and assign it to the 404 page. 1. Create a new 404 page block Navigate to Blocks -> Add New and create a new block. Add some contents as your needs and save it. 2. Assign the block as 404 page content Navigate […]

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We can create a custom Porto block using Page Builder and elements and assign it to the 404 page.

1. Create a new 404 page block

Navigate to Blocks -> Add New and create a new block. Add some contents as your needs and save it.

2. Assign the block as 404 page content

Navigate to Porto -> Theme Options -> Extra -> 404 Error -> Links Block and input the slug of the created 404 block there.

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How to use custom page header Tue, 24 Dec 2019 06:32:43 +0000 The post How to use custom page header appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Porto provides 7 page header types.

You can also build your own page header layout using Page builder and Porto Page Header element.

Porto Page Header element is used to display page title, subtitle and breadcrumbs in the custom Page Header section.
If you want to display custom page header instead of default, you need to hide default page title and breadcrumbs using View Options metabox.

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How to use Pre-Order Sun, 23 Feb 2020 01:31:49 +0000 The post How to use Pre-Order appeared first on Porto Documentation.


What is Pre-Order?

By default, customers can’t purchase out-of-stock products, but only purchase them when they are available for sale. Pre-Order functionality offers customers the chance to purchase the unavailable products and provide them only after they are officially on sale. This will help to increase sales.

How to enable Pre-Order?

Please go to Theme Options -> Woocommerce and click Enable Pre-Order.

After then, go to the product edit page where you want to enable Pre-Order. You can find Pre-Order checkbox in it. Please give Pre-Order product an ‘additional stock’ that will be available.


Main Features

  • Changes “Add to Cart” text to the Pre-order label set in the Theme Options.
  • Product sale date will be displayed on product page in the format which is set in the Theme Options. If you don’t input available date, it displays nothing.
  • Admin users can see a list of Pre-Order products in WooCommerce -> Orders in admin.
  • Customers can see a list of Pre-Order products purchased in My Account page.
  • If a Pre-Order product is purchased, it will email to an administrator.
  • It will notify customers which purchased products are Pre-Order.

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How to control preview width of sidebar block Fri, 14 May 2021 14:13:39 +0000 Porto 6.1.0 provides control functionality of preview width in template builder. Using this, you can control preview width of sidebar blocks. We added it to 2 page builders, WPBakery and Elementor.      

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Porto 6.1.0 provides control functionality of preview width in template builder. Using this, you can control preview width of sidebar blocks. We added it to 2 page builders, WPBakery and Elementor.

elementor      wpb

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How to disable the Lightbox option Fri, 29 Jul 2022 09:06:59 +0000 The post How to disable the Lightbox option appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Elementor Page Builder offers the image lightbox option. Porto also offers that in Image Gallery Widget. So that the images are double working.

Image Ligthbox

How to disable

In this case, you can turn off the ligthbox of Elementor Builder

Step 1 - Disable Elmentor Lightbox
Step 2 - Disable Elmentor Lightbox
Step 3 - Disable Elmentor Lightbox
Step 4 - Disable Elmentor Lightbox

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How to build a megamenu? Fri, 29 Jul 2022 12:22:21 +0000 The post How to build a megamenu? appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Porto offers powerful and user-friendly advanced menus. It’s easy to create and use the megamenu.


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