
Scroll Progress Widget

The Scroll Progress widget shows users how far they are through a page, by showing a scroll progress bar or around the Scroll Top Button. As you scroll, status of progress bar changes. You could use this widget in two most common page builders: Elementor, WPBakery. How to Use The Scroll...

Image Comparison Widget

Image Comparison widget allows you to distinguish differences between two images easily and conveniently. You can align images horizontally or vertically. You could use this widget in Elementor and WPBakery. How to Use Add this widget where you want to compare two images. You should choose before & after images. There are several...

How to add Hover Dir effects to elements

This effect decorates your site more luxuriously. Porto 6.4.0 add this effect to Porto Image Gallery. If you want to know how Hoverdir effect works, please check Beauty Demos. How To Use the Hoverdir Effect. Step 1. Create, or choose the Column into which you want to add your element. Click...

How to add Scroll Paralax effect

Several Porto Demos (Architecture 2, Law Firm2 and etc) used Scroll Parallax effect with custom styles and js. Porto 6.4.0 provides this feature to Elementor Section and WPBakery Row. It's also easy to realize this effect. How To Use the Scoll Parallax. Create, or choose the section or row and enable...

How to add Particles effect

Porto Demo Business Consulting4 used Particles effect with custom styles and js. Porto 6.4.0 provides this function to Elementor Section and WPBakery Row. It's also easy to realize this effect. How To Use the Particels Effect Create, or choose the section or row and enable "Particles Effect" in the Porto Options. Particles...

Cursor effect Widget

Porto 6.4.0 add this effect with Porto Cursor Effect widget. If you want to know how Cursor effect works, please check Business Consulting3 Demos. This effect changes your cursor variously. It is available in both Elementor and WPBakery. How To Use. First you should select the Hover Effect on Target. Outline Target is to...

Contact Form Widget

Porto 6.4.0 adds Porto Contact Form widget. This element allows you to add the versatile contact form with Contact Form 7 and WPForms Lite plugin. Porto 6.4.0 built it in serveral demos already. Well, this widget is compatible with Elementor and WPBakery Page Builder. How To Use. Step 1. Create a new...

How to use custom font

Usually you use Network Font to build the own site, but sometimes you have to use custom one. In this case, you can import custom font and use it. How To Use. Step 1. First of all, you confirm that Upload file types of Multisite's Network Settings include zip. Porto uploads...

Section Tab

Porto 6.5.0 offers Section tab for Elementor. Until now, you use the elementor tab widget with custom style. Section tab consists of section and column. Section is tab wrapper and column is tab content. How To Use. To use the section tab, you should manage the options on section and column Section First...

Block Element

Sometimes, you should import the something which is built with Porto Block Template. In this case, you can use Shortcode of Elementor or Porto Block Element of WPBakery. How To Use. Step 1. Create a new page or edit an existing one. Step 2. Add a section then select column layout and...