Single Builder

Single Builder Elements

Porto Single Builder is one of full-site builders that Porto provides. It helps you build any types of single pages even for custom post types faster and easier with Elementor & WP Bakery page builder. You can manage your site single templates at Single Builder section in Porto > Templates Builder...

Post Featured Image – Single Builder

Post Featured Image element is important to build a post page. Featured image is main index which can show your post content visually. How to create a Post Featured Image element? Step 1 – Please create, or choose Column into which you want to add your element. Step 2 – Select Post Featured Image...

Post Author Box – Single Builder

Author Box element plays an important role in a post page. It shows the author’s name and his simple description. How to create a Author Box element? Step 1 – Please create, or choose Column into which you want to add your element. Step 2 – Select Post Author Box element from Element list. Step...

Post Meta – Single Builder

Post Meta element plays an important role in a post. There are meta information such as author name, post date, post tag and etc. Post Meta element can show all meta information. How to create a Post Meta element? Step 1 – Please create, or choose Column into which you want to add...

Post Comments – Single Builder

Post Comments element is also important in building a post page. It shows post comments, commenter’s name and comments date. How to create a Post Comments element? Step 1 – Please create, or choose Column into which you want to add your element. Step 2 – Select Post Comments Element from Element list. Step...

Related Posts – Single Builder

Related Posts element shows related posts. How to create a Related Posts element? Step 1 – Please create, or choose Column into which you want to add your element. Step 2 – Select Related Posts Element from Element list. Step 3 – Drag Related Posts Element to somewhere into your content. Step 4 –...

Post Navigation – Single Builder

Post Navigation element is useful when there are too many posts to show all in one page. By using this element, you can navigate to other page to see other posts. How to create a Post Navigation element? Step 1 – Please create, or choose Column into which you want to add...

Post Share – Single Builder

Post Share element is also important in building a post page. It shows famous social share links in single page. How to create a Post Share element? Step 1 – Please create, or choose Column into which you want to add your element. Step 2 – Select Post Share Element from Element list. Step...