Please watch and follow the instructions shown in the below-listed video. It shows how to create a Custom Header using Porto Template Builder with WP Bakery Page Builder.
Hope this helps :)
Stay Safe & Healthy...
Regard's P-Themes.
Please watch and follow the instructions shown in the below-listed video. It shows how to create a Custom Header using Porto Template Builder with WP Bakery Page Builder.
Hope this helps :)
Stay Safe & Healthy...
Regard's P-Themes.
Please watch and follow the instructions shown in the below-listed video. It shows how to create a Custom Product Archive page using Porto Template Builder with WP Bakery Page Builder.
Hope this helps :)
Stay Safe & Healthy...
Regard's P-Themes.
Please watch and follow the instructions in below video that shows how to create a Custom Product Layout using Porto Template Builder with WP Bakery Page Builder.
Hope this helps :)
Stay Safe & Healthy...
Regard's P-Themes.
Try adding the following exclusion under Settings -> WP Super Cache -> Advanced -> "Accepted Filenames & Rejected URLs ":
Add here are your urls (it depends on your permalink settings).
And save this setting.
First of all Whatsapp icon is only appears on mobile devices if you want to show it on all devices like PC, Laptop, Tablets, and Mobiles then simply go to the Dashboard >> Porto >> Theme Options >> Skin >> Custom CSS and then paste this code
.share-whatsapp{display:block !important;}
in Custom CSS section as showing below:
Now to fix the Whatsapp icon issue on header, when user click on Whatsapp icon it will let user to chat on Whatsapp. Simply go to your site cPanel and open the layout.php file under wp-content/themes/porto/inc/functions now when the file opens, scroll down to the page at line number 2141 there you see
tag, simply copy this code
<a <?php echo porto_filter_output( $nofollow ); ?> class="share-whatsapp" style="display:none" href="<?php echo esc_attr( $porto_settings['header-social-whatsapp'] ) ?>" data-action="share/whatsapp/share" title="<?phpesc_attr_e( 'WhatsApp', 'porto' ); ?>"><?phpesc_html_e( 'WhatsApp', 'porto' ); ?></a>
and replace it, then change the number in this code like the image below.
And check back your site after clear the browser cache.
Now for the Footer do the same thing as we do for header but for footer the file is different, you can find the footer file in the wp-content/plugins/porto-functionality/widgets then open follow_us.php and replace the code of line number 184 with this code
<a href="<?php echo esc_attr( $whatsapp ) ?>" <?php echo $nofollow_escaped; ?> target="_blank" <?php echo $tooltip_escaped; ?>title="<?phpesc_attr_e( 'WhatsApp', 'porto-functionality' ); ?>" class="share-whatsapp" style="display:none"><?phpesc_html_e( 'WhatsApp', 'porto-functionality' ); ?></a>
and change your phone number in this code like in the below image.
And check back your site after clear the browser cache.
Hope this helps :)
Stay Safe & Healthy...
Regard's P-Themes.
Porto 6.2.0 uses Bootstrap 5 instead of Bootstrap 4. If you find some broken pages, you don't need to worry about that. Mainly two reasons might cause that kind of broken styles. You'd better read this article first.
If you think this article is not enough, please go to How to Migrate from Bootstrap Version 4 to 5.