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Porto offers Porto Step element. This element allows you to express the schedule, step and history. Porto uses it in serveral demos already such as It Services. Well, this element is compatible with Elementor and WPBakery Page Builder.

Elementor Step Widget
WPBakery Step Widget

How To Use.

Step 1. Create a new page or edit an existing one.
Step 2. Add a section then select column layout and next bring up Porto Steps to the window.
Step 3.  Select the type and add step items.

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WooCommerce Option Thu, 04 Aug 2022 05:50:24 +0000 The post WooCommerce Option appeared first on Porto Documentation.


These options assist with the integration between Woocommerce and Porto. The WooCommerce Options are useful when the plugin is activated.

WooCommerce Option

Product Archives

In here, porto manages the layout of the shop page. You can build this page with Shop Builder easily. But in this case, some options should be not worked correctly. Some of this panel are removed in Soft Mode(Full Site Editing).

Shop Legacy
Shop Soft Mode

Single Product

Control the layout of the Single product page. Porto also offers the Product builder. The page built with the builder doesn’t receive the some of theme options. because of that, some options are removed in Soft Mode(Full Site Editing)

Single Product Legacy Mode
Single Product Soft Mode

Product Image & Zoom

Control the product image, thumbnail and zoom options for single product page.

Product Image Zoom

Cart Page

Manage the Cross Sell options for cart page.

Cart Page

Checkout Page

Control the checkout page type. There are 2 types.

Checkout Page

Catalog Mode

Manage the catalog mode options such as Price, Reviews add Cart button, Read More button and etc…

Catalog Mode

Registration Form

Check if display full information or short description in the registration page.

Registration Form

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Portfolio Options Thu, 04 Aug 2022 00:42:12 +0000 The post Portfolio Options appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Like the preceding, these options affect to portfolio type. – Layout of Archive page, Single page and Related Portfolios.

Portfolio for Legacy Mode
Portfolio for Soft Mode

Portfolio Archives

In here, porto manages the layout of the Portfolio Archive page. You can build this page with Archive Builder easily. But in this case, some options should be not worked correctly.

Portfolio for Legacy Mode
Portfolio for Soft Mode

Single Portfolio

Control the layout of the Single Portfolio page. Porto also offers the Single builder. The page built with the builder doesn’t receive the some of theme options.

Portfolio for Legacy Mode
Portfolio for Soft Mode

Related Portfolio Carousel

Single Portfolio has the related posts. Here, porto manages about layout of the related portfolios. Instead of that, you can build with type builder and single builder.  soft mode(Full Site Editing) doesn’t have this options.

Portfolio Related

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Post Wed, 03 Aug 2022 13:52:02 +0000 The post Post appeared first on Porto Documentation.


These options configure layout settings for Blog & Single Post pages.

Post Legacy Mode
Post for Soft Mode

Blog & Post Archives

In here, porto manages the layout of the blog page. You can build this page with Archive Builder easily. But in this case, some options should be not worked correctly. This panel is disappeared in soft mode(Full Site Editing).

Post Archive


Control the blog page title, banner position, footer view, banner type options and custom porto blocks to be displayed in the blog pages. This option is removed in soft mode(Full Site Editing)

Blog Option

Single Post

Control the layout of the Single Post page. Porto also offers the Single builder. The page built with the builder doesn’t receive the some of theme options. because of that, that options are removed in soft mode(Full Site Editing)

Single Post

Related Posts Carousel

Single Post has the related posts. Here, porto manages about layout of the related posts. Instead of that, you can build with type builder and single builder.  soft mode(Full Site Editing) doesn’t have this options.

related posts

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Header Wed, 03 Aug 2022 07:38:34 +0000 The post Header appeared first on Porto Documentation.


In this panel, you can set the layout options for header. Porto provides classic header types, header builder in WordPress customizer panel and header builder using page builders.

If you builder header with Porto header builder, you can’t use some of these options. Because of that, the Soft Mode(Full Site Edting) has removed the unnecessary options.

Header Type

Now there are two ways in which to build your header. The way we recommend is to create your own fully custom Header using Porto Builder, import one of prebuilt header layouts.

Header Type on Legacy Mode
Header Type on Legacy Mode

Language, Currency Switcher

In this part, we’ll be focusing on the Switcher and the different layouts and options you can set for them.

Language, Currency Switcher

Social Links

You can manage the global social icons and their links for the website.

Social Links

Search Form

Porto Header Builder includes the search form widget. There is no need of some options for the widget.  With theme options, you can manage the layout, search type, category and subcategories.

Search Form for Legacy Mode
Search Form for Soft Mode

Sticky Header

You can also still set up sticky headers via the Global Options. In this panel, you can enable the sticky header and show or hide the elements such as Logo, Search Form and Mini Cart.

Sticky Header


This tab is only for the Legacy Mode.  This manages the Mini-Cart, Wishlist, Compare and Account Menu. So that these options are overrided by widget options.

WooCommerce Option

Mobile Panel

Manage the panel of mobile toggle menu. This panel includes the Search Box, Language and Currency Switcher.

Mobile Panel

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Plugins Compatibility Thu, 28 Jul 2022 07:31:10 +0000 The post Plugins Compatibility appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Porto built the websits with WPBakery, Elementor and Visual Composer page builders.  And also it is compatible with many world-leading plugins.


Porto provides many widgets for Elementor Builder. And the porto template builders have own elementor widgets.

Elementor Widgets
Elementor Preview Porto Settings


Above 50% people of Porto use WPBakery page builder. Porto provides many widgets for WPBakery Builder.

WPBakery Widgets


Porto is fully compatible with WooCommerce plugins. Porto theme is the best WooCommerce Theme. Porto provides 48 pre-built WooCommerce websites.
You can control the WooCommerce Pages with Theme Option panel.

WooCommerce Plugin

Porto 6.6.0 is fully compatibile with almost Yith WooCommerce Plugins.

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

This one request the WooCommerce Plugin and allow you to crate, fill, manage and share the wishlists. Porto offers the some options of this plugin. So it’s better for you to use Porto Theme Options.

How to set wishlist
Yith Wishlist Plugins

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter

With the plugin, you can search you WooCommerce product as quickly as possible in the product archive pages and other.

PWA for WP

The Progress Web App(PWA) is one of the performance based features. Porto consists in the Beauty,
Renewable Energy and etc.

Advanced Custom Fields

Advanced Custom Fields(ACF) allows you to add extra content fields to your WordPress edit screens. This third party plugin is used in Business Consulting 3, Industry Factory,

Post Type Unlimited

With Post Type Unlimited plugin, you can create and use new post type. And also control the layout of single and archive for that in the Theme Option Panel

Unlimited Post Type

Revolution Slider

Revolution Slider Plugin is very popular to make the beautiful website with the amazing animations and options. Travel our demo –  sites. Gym and Architecture & Interior Design…..

WP Super Cache

Porto use this plugin in all and Renewable Energy. Server cache plugin – WP Super Cache, helps you to approach the sites very fast.

WP GDPR Compliance

This plugin assists website and webshop owners to comply with European privacy regulations known as GDPR. Porto install this in Home Classic

WordPress Importer

This plugin helps you to import and export posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, tags and etc. You can use this plugin with any page builders.

Dynamic Featured Images

Users can add featured images to posts, pages and custom post types in your mind. If the post has multiple featured images, porto single builder provides them as carousel, masonry and grid – Blog 1.


Dokan is the best Multivendor Marketplace for WordPress. You can easily manage thousands of vendors and get commissions from their sales.

Fast Velocity Minify

This plugin is similar to porto Speed Optimize Wizard. It improves site speed by merging and minifying CSS and JavaScript files. And also it compresses HTML and other speed optimizations.

Other Plugins

Meta Box

Contact Form7

WPForms Lite

Export Import Menus

WP Sitemap Page


WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager

WCFM – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace

Nextend Social Login

Rank Math SEO

Really Simple CAPTCHA

Social Slider Widget

Frequently Bought Together

YITH WooCommerce Compare

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Skin Wed, 27 Jul 2022 03:24:01 +0000 The post Skin appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Skin is an integral part of designing and maintaining your website design. With this management, you can update the entire site’s color scheme.

Theme Colors

With theme colors, you can control primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, dark, light and social icon colors. Also you can build dark theme with inverse colors.

Theme Color Panel


To control the container, you can use this part. You can also set the theme skin to be light or dark.

Skin Layout


With the Typography options in the Theme Option panel, you can set fonts( body, heading, paragaph and custom font ) for the website. Porto also provides Google Fonts and custom font by using Font Control in the Theme Option panel.


These options set backgrounds for body, page content and content bottom area.
In soft mode(Full Site Editing), this tab is removed because it’s unnecessary. You can give this styles with builders.


Header tab set the background and color of header – General, Top, Main, Bottom, Sticky.
You can also build the header with header builder. In this case, the panel options don’t work. Porto Version 6.3.0 clear the unavailable options for soft mode(Full Site Editing)

Main Menu

In this tab, you can control the background and typography of main menu – Top Level Menu Item, Popup,Tip and Content. You can also give some options for proper header type.
If you build the menus with Porto Widgets, the theme options might be overrided.  So Porto Version 6.3.0 clear the unavailable options for soft mode(Full Site Editing)


You can manage typography, color, space for breadcrumb. Porto provides breadcrumb widget, so that the theme options won’t be worked well for widget. Before setting the these options, you should choose the breadcrumb type in Theme Options/Breadcrumbs. 

Breadcrumb Skin


In Legacy mode, you can build the footer only with theme options. These options manage widgets, columns, ribbon copyright text and etc. Porto offers the footer builder, you can build the footer easily and freely. In this case, the footer skin options don’t work. So the soft mode(Full Site Editing) clear the almost the footer options.

Mobile Menu

Mobile menu is controlled only by the theme options. This skin options manage the text color, hover color and background of toggle and menu.

Mobile Menu Skin

Language, Currency Switcher

Manage the background color, hover and link color.

Language and Currency Switcher

Search Form

Manage the skin of Search Form. Porto offers the search form widget for header builder and search form type in the Theme options/Header.

Search Form

Mini Cart

Manage the skin of mini cart. Porto also offers the mini-cart widget with header builder. If you use this widget, some options be overrided by widget.

Mini Cart


Manage the color, background color, hot and label skin for Add to Cart, Wishlist and Quick View.

Form Style

Manage the default style such as font size, color, background color, border color and …..

Sidebar Style

You can control sidebar border width and padding.

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How to add Hover Dir effects to elements Mon, 13 Jun 2022 05:53:10 +0000 The post How to add Hover Dir effects to elements appeared first on Porto Documentation.


This effect decorates your site more luxuriously. Porto 6.4.0 add this effect to Porto Image Gallery. If you want to know how Hoverdir effect works, please check Beauty Demos.

How To Use the Hoverdir Effect.

Step 1. Create, or choose the Column into which you want to add your element. Click on Add New Element.

Step 2. Select Porto Image Gallery Element from the Element List.

Step 3. Select images from the gallery and choose the Hoverdir among the Hover Effects.

Hoverdir Effect for WPBakery
Hoverdir Effect for Elementor

Porto Provides this effect to Featured Image widget of Type Builder. If you want to know about the Gutenberg Featured Image, please see Featured Image Post

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Type Builder Elements Fri, 06 May 2022 08:13:12 +0000 The post <em class="search-query">Type Builder</em> Elements appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Porto offers you Post Type builder elements to build your own Post Type simply and easily. Porto is based on #1 page builder – WPBakery, reliable page builder – Elementor, fast page builder – Visual Composer and Gutenberg block editor to build your website. Porto choose Gutenberg to build your own Post Type due to its speed and generality.  Following image is screenshot of Post Type builder.

  1. Pre-made Post Types

    If you would like to use pre-made post types, import from Porto Studio. And then you can customize it as you want. It will save a lot of time and effort to build your own type.

  2. Type Builder Elements

    There are 8 elements.
    Each element is an important part of post. As you probably know, The important components of post are featured image, content and meta infos. To make your own Product Type, WooCommerce elements are also available like product price, rating, stock, link and etc. You can make any Post Type which you want by means of drag and drop of these elements. With these elements you can build custom type of various post types including Blog posts, Portfolio posts, FAQs, Events and WooCommerce Products. Ok. Well, let’s see these elements below.

    • Featured Image – Displays featured image of post in various types.
    • Content – Excerpt of content of post.
    • Woo Price – Price of WooCommerce Product.
    • Woo Rating – Rating of WooCommerce Product.
    • Woo Stock – Stock status of WooCommerce Product.
    • Woo Short Description – Short description of WooCommerce Product.
    • Woo Link – Link of WooCommerce Product including ‘Add to Cart’, ‘Add to wishlist’, ‘Compare’, ‘Quick View’, ‘Image / Color Swatch’.
    • Meta – Meta inforamtion of post like Author, Date, Comments, Category, Tag and etc.
  3. Post Type Builder Options

    These are preview options that determine post type, post content and container width.

    • Content Type – Post type to display in preview mode.
    • Select  Content – Select Post content to display in preview mode.
    • Preview Width (px) – Container width in preview mode.

When post type is completed, you are able to use that as a Post Layout in Porto Posts Grid Widget to display different types of posts.

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Ongoing Feature – Full Site Editing (Soft Mode) Fri, 06 May 2022 05:31:54 +0000 The post Ongoing Feature – Full Site Editing (Soft Mode) appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Full Site Editing (Soft Mode) – a New Feature that boosts to a huge development

We have proposed a new feature. Too delicate, complicated settings must have been disturbing your understanding but now this new feature has arrived to liberate you.

If you active this mode, most of options are removed. In this mode, you can use only template builders to full-site edit. Theme options and metaboxes that are unnecessary and overridden are removed. You will be no longer disturbed from complicated relationships of options.

Now it’s possible to edit anything. Say goodbye to word “static”. You can build any type the way you want or simply download it using studio.

Full Site Editing - Soft Mode

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