porto_admin Porto Documentation - https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/author/porto_admin/ Proto Documentation site Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:11:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 Points to be noted when migrating to Porto 6.10.0 https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/points-to-be-noted-when-migrating-to-porto-6-10-0/ https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/points-to-be-noted-when-migrating-to-porto-6-10-0/#respond Fri, 11 Aug 2023 01:47:58 +0000 https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/?p=3025 The post Points to be noted when migrating to Porto 6.10.0 appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Porto 6.10.0 released and fixed major user-friendly issues.

Porto 6.10.0 release is here, bringing exciting new features and important bug fixes. First of all, we strongly recommend backing up your database before updating. This precautionary measure will ensure the safety of your data in case any unforeseen issues arise during the update process.

Our diligent development team has detected significant user-friendly issues in the previous Porto version. We know these issues may cause some backward compatibility problems, but have to address to improve the user experience and user-friendly to build the site in the future. It is important to us that you understand our grievances.

Okay, so we introduced to solve problems, if you encounter issues after updating the theme.

1. You can see the intro section which full-width decreases the boxed.

In any case, a full-width section works as full-width and boxed as boxed.

Regarding to this, there is a issue in which sections that were previously seen as full-width appear as boxed.
I showed you how to solve it with a gif file below.


2. Header builder, especially the problem of unbalanced sizes and spacing of icons has been resolved.

Warning - header icons

Main purpose is to eliminate the disproportionate size and different spacing of the shopping cart and wishlist icons, which were previously inconvenient to customize.

For a detailed look at new version, 6.10.0 Blog in www.portotheme.com or What’s New 6.10.0.

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How to switch mobile tab back to the dropdown type. https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-switch-mobile-tab-back-to-the-dropdown-type/ https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-switch-mobile-tab-back-to-the-dropdown-type/#respond Tue, 08 Aug 2023 04:11:01 +0000 https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/?p=3006 The post How to switch mobile tab back to the dropdown type. appeared first on Porto Documentation.


We’ve recently updated the mobile menu to a tab style with the release of version 6.7.3, as it aligns with current trends and has been a popular request from our customers.

However, we understand that some customers prefer the original dropdown style. Our company values customer feedback and opinions. To sole this proble, we will provide instructions on how to switch the mobile tab back to the dropdown type.

Step 1: Create and Use Porto Child Theme

To address, you must customize the code with the Child Theme. So you must use Child theme.

Step 2: Insert the custom code to Child theme

Please insert the following code into the functions.php of the child theme when you are ready.

After customizing the code, the mobile tab can be transformed into a dropdown style, disregarding the tab options in the Theme Option.

// Customize Mobile Menu
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'disable_porto_mobile_tab' );
add_filter( 'porto_mobile_menu', 'porto_show_mmenu_dropdown' );

// Change Mobile Tab to Drop Down Style
function disable_porto_mobile_tab() {
	global $porto_settings;
	if ( isset ( $porto_settings['mobile-panel-type'] ) && 'side' == $porto_settings['mobile-panel-type'] && isset( $porto_settings['show-mobile-menus'] ) && sizeof( $porto_settings['show-mobile-menus'] ) >= 2 ) {
		$porto_settings['show-mobile-menus'] = array();

// Show Mobile Tab Menu as DropDown
function porto_show_mmenu_dropdown( $output ) {
	global $porto_settings;

	$html = '';
	if ( isset( $porto_settings['menu-login-pos'] ) && 'main_menu' == $porto_settings['menu-login-pos'] ) {
		if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
			$logout_link = '';
			if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) {
				$logout_link = wc_get_endpoint_url( 'customer-logout', '', wc_get_page_permalink( 'myaccount' ) );
			} else {
				$logout_link = wp_logout_url( get_home_url() );
			$html .= '<li class="menu-item"><a href="' . esc_url( $logout_link ) . '">';
			$html .= ( isset( $porto_settings['menu-show-login-icon'] ) && $porto_settings['menu-show-login-icon'] ) ? '<i class="avatar">' . get_avatar( get_current_user_id(), $size = '24' ) . '</i>' : '';
			$html .= esc_html__( 'Log out', 'porto' ) . '</a></li>';
		} else {
			$login_link    = '';
			$register_link = '';
			if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) {
				$login_link = wc_get_page_permalink( 'myaccount' );
				if ( get_option( 'woocommerce_enable_myaccount_registration' ) === 'yes' ) {
					$register_link = wc_get_page_permalink( 'myaccount' );
			} else {
				$login_link    = wp_login_url( get_home_url() );
				$active_signup = get_site_option( 'registration', 'none' );
				$active_signup = apply_filters( 'wpmu_active_signup', $active_signup );
				if ( 'none' != $active_signup ) {
					$register_link = wp_registration_url( get_home_url() );
			$html .= '<li class="menu-item"><a class="porto-link-login" href="' . esc_url( $login_link ) . '">';
			$html .= ( isset( $porto_settings['menu-show-login-icon'] ) && $porto_settings['menu-show-login-icon'] ) ? '<i class="fas fa-user"></i>' : '';
			$html .= esc_html__( 'Log In', 'porto' ) . '</a></li>';
			if ( $register_link && isset( $porto_settings['menu-enable-register'] ) && $porto_settings['menu-enable-register'] ) {
				$html .= '<li class="menu-item"><a class="porto-link-register" href="' . esc_url( $register_link ) . '">';
				$html .= ( isset( $porto_settings['menu-show-login-icon'] ) && $porto_settings['menu-show-login-icon'] ) ? '<i class="fas fa-user-plus"></i>' : '';
				$html .= esc_html__( 'Register', 'porto' ) . '</a></li>';

	$output = '';
	$main_menu = porto_get_meta_value( 'main_menu' );
	if ( has_nav_menu( 'main_menu' ) || $main_menu ) :
		$args = array(
			'container'   => '',
			'menu_class'  => 'mobile-menu accordion-menu',
			'before'      => '',
			'after'       => '',
			'link_before' => '',
			'link_after'  => '',
			'fallback_cb' => false,
			'walker'      => new porto_accordion_navwalker(),
		if ( $main_menu ) {
			$args['menu'] = $main_menu;
		} else {
			$args['theme_location'] = 'main_menu';
		wp_nav_menu( $args );
		$output .= str_replace( '&nbsp;', '', ob_get_clean() );
		if ( $html ) {
			$output .= 'mobile-html';			
			$output = preg_replace( '/<\/ul>mobile-html/', $html . '</ul>', $output, 1 );
			$html = false;

	$header_type = porto_get_header_type();
	$secondary_menu = ( '19' == $header_type || empty( $header_type ) ) ? true : false;
	if ( $secondary_menu ) {
		$secondary_menu = porto_get_meta_value( 'secondary_menu' );
		if ( has_nav_menu( 'secondary_menu' ) || $secondary_menu ) {
			$args = array(
				'container'   => '',
				'menu_class'  => 'mobile-menu accordion-menu',
				'before'      => '',
				'after'       => '',
				'link_before' => '',
				'link_after'  => '',
				'fallback_cb' => false,
				'walker'      => new porto_accordion_navwalker(),
			if ( $secondary_menu ) {
				$args['menu'] = $secondary_menu;
			} else {
				$args['theme_location'] = 'secondary_menu';
			wp_nav_menu( $args );

		$output .= str_replace( '&nbsp;', '', ob_get_clean() );

	// sidebar menu
	$sidebar_menu = porto_get_meta_value( 'sidebar_menu' );
	if ( has_nav_menu( 'sidebar_menu' ) || $sidebar_menu ) {
		$args = array(
			'container'   => '',
			'menu_class'  => 'mobile-menu accordion-menu',
			'before'      => '',
			'after'       => '',
			'link_before' => '',
			'link_after'  => '',
			'fallback_cb' => false,
			'walker'      => new porto_accordion_navwalker(),
		if ( $sidebar_menu ) {
			$args['menu'] = $sidebar_menu;
		} else {
			$args['theme_location'] = 'sidebar_menu';
		wp_nav_menu( $args );

	$output .= str_replace( '&nbsp;', '', ob_get_clean() );

	// Top Navigation Menu
	$menu = porto_mobile_top_navigation();
	if ( $menu ) {
		echo '<div class="menu-wrap">' . $menu . '</div>';
	$output .= ob_get_clean();
	if ( $output && $html ) {
		$output = preg_replace( '/<\/ul>$/', $html . '</ul>', $output, 1 );
	} elseif ( ! $output && $html ) {
		$output = '<ul class="' . 'mobile-menu accordion-menu' . '" id="menu-main-menu">' . $html . '</ul>';

	return $output;

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How to use Porto Flick Carousel https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-use-porto-flick-carousel/ https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-use-porto-flick-carousel/#respond Tue, 13 Jun 2023 01:56:38 +0000 https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/?p=2993 The post How to use Porto Flick Carousel appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Porto 6.10.0 has just been released, and with it comes a powerful new feature – Flick Carousel. This innovative tool allows you to create stunning carousels that showcase your content in a visually appealing way, with a sleek and modern layout that’s sure to impress your visitors.
Flick Carousel is a new feature that has been added to the Porto WordPress theme. With a sleek and modern layout, Flick Carousel will keep users interested in your content.

Porto Shop 44 - with Flick Carousel

How does Flick Carousel work?

Flick Carousel is designed to be simple and intuitive, with a focus on usability and user experience. As you can see from the example on Shop Demo 44, the flick carousel is enabled over 992 pixels, making it perfect for desktop and tablet displays.

To use Flick Carousel, simply navigate to the slider option in your favorite page builder, such as Elementor or WPBakery Page Builder. From there, you can set your preferences and customize the carousel to fit your needs.
Most Porto widgets with slide options support this feature.


One thing to keep in mind is that Flick Carousel may not work properly with sidebars. If you’re using this feature, we recommend disabling any sidebars on the page.

To utilize Flick Carousel, it is important to set the layout of your page as a container or wrap the parent DOM as a container. Failure to do so will result in Flick Carousel functioning as a default carousel.

Even if the parent DOM is set to “full width”, the carousel width will be limited to the container width once the options are configured as shown above.

In conclusion, Porto Flick Carousel is a powerful new tool that can help you showcase your content in a beautiful and engaging way. With its intuitive layout and easy-to-use features, it’s sure to become a favorite among web developers and designers alike.

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How to get Coupon Code https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-get-coupon-code/ https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-get-coupon-code/#respond Sat, 20 May 2023 00:48:50 +0000 https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/?p=2973 The post How to get Coupon Code appeared first on Porto Documentation.


If you are using hosting services such as Premium RDP and WPX for your website, and have chosen to use the Porto WordPress theme, then you are in luck! You can now receive a discount coupon code for your hosting services. This discount code can help you save money on your monthly hosting fees, allowing you to put more of your budget towards other important aspects of your website.

By using Premium RDP or WPX hosting services with the Porto WordPress theme, you can enjoy a fast and reliable website experience. The Porto theme is known for its clean and modern design, making it a popular choice for businesses and individuals who want to create a professional-looking website.

Step 1: Login to Your Account
In order to use a coupon code, you must first log in to your account on P-Theme. If you do not have an account, you can easily sign up.

Step 2: Input Your Purchase Code
Once you have logged in to your account, navigate to your profile page. This code is unique to your account and is provided to you when you make a purchase on our website. Inputting this code will allow you to access coupon codes.

Get Hosting Coupon Code

Step 3: Get Your Coupon Code
You can get a coupon code from hosting page by entering the purchase code.

Get Coupon Code

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How to use extra plugin like Perfect Brands, YITH Brands in Single Product Builder https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-use-extra-plugin-like-perfect-brands-yith-brands/ https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-use-extra-plugin-like-perfect-brands-yith-brands/#respond Thu, 18 May 2023 07:04:34 +0000 https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/?p=2965 The post How to use extra plugin like Perfect Brands, YITH Brands in Single Product Builder appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Porto theme is a popular WordPress theme that comes with a single product builder. This builder allows you to create custom product pages for your WooCommerce store. However, if you are using the Yith Brands or Perfect Brands for WooCommerce plugin, you might have noticed that it does not work with the single product builder. This is because the plugin was designed with the WooCommerce default template and hooked with the WooCommerce default action.

Fortunately, Porto single product builder provides an Action/Hook widget that can be used to show the plugin content on your custom product page. All you need to do is find the action that the plugin shows and select the hook action of our action widget.

Single Product Visual Hook

To use the Action/Hook widget in Porto single product builder, follow these steps:

  1. Add an “Action/Hook” widget to your page by dragging it from the widget panel on the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. In the widget settings, select the hook action that you want to use.
  3. If you are not sure which hook action to use, you can contact the plugin developer for assistance.
  4. Once you have selected the hook action, you can show content that you want to display using the plugin.
Action / Hook Widget for YITH Brands or Perfect brands for WooCommerce with Single Product Builder

By using the Action/Hook widget in Porto single product builder, you can customize your product pages to include content from any plugin that uses WooCommerce action hooks. This allows you to create truly unique and personalized product pages for your online store.

The post How to use extra plugin like Perfect Brands, YITH Brands in Single Product Builder appeared first on Porto Documentation.

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How to use OpenAI for Content Creation https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-use-openai-for-content-creation/ https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-use-openai-for-content-creation/#respond Mon, 20 Feb 2023 03:38:09 +0000 https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/?p=2890 The post How to use OpenAI for Content Creation appeared first on Porto Documentation.


A function for generating content using OpenAI was added to the Porto WordPress theme in version 6.8.0.  This utilizes the API from OpenAI.
To use this function, you must first get your OpenAI key and enter it into the Porto Theme Option.

How to enter the open ai key

Porto Content Generator generates content with a title, so you must enter the title first.

How to use Options?

Generate the content with AI
– Alternative Topic: If you enter an alternative topic, Porto AI Generator creates everything with that, instead of a title. With this option, your content can be excellent.
The alternative topic is empty
Write the product description for the ‘Luxury Watches’.
The alternative topic is 'Top 5 Famous Watches'
Write the product description for the ‘Top 5 Famous Watches’.
It is possible to generate excellent and more detailed output if you set this option appropriately.
e.g. If you are generating content for an 'About Us' page, please insert the following text in the alternate topic.
Content – About us of P-THEMES Inc which has developed Porto, Riode, Wolmart wordpress theme.
Meta Datas for SEO – About P-THEMES Company

– Generate Type: You can select the type to generate. – Description, Excerpt, Outline Meta Title, Meta Description and Meta Key.
– Writing Style: With this option, you can control the word tone of output.
– Additional Prompt: You can customize the prompt with this option.
For each Generate Type, Porto AI uses the following default additional prompts.
Content: Write at least 5 paragraphs.
Excerpt: Excerpt must be between 55 and 75 characters.
Meta Description for SEO: Description must be between 105 and 140 characters.
Meta Title for SEO: Title must be between 40 and 60 characters.
Meta Key for SEO: Write at least 10 words.

How to generate?

You can create descriptions, excerpts, meta description, outline, meta title and meta keyword for all post types, including post, product, portfolio, and member and etc.

How to Generate the Meta Description in Top SEO Plugins?

Porto makes it easy to generate Meta Descriptions in the following SEO plugins – Yoast SEO, Rank Math SEO and All in One SEO.

How to Generate the Description for all post type like product, post?

You can write a description in two ways.

The first way is simple.

You set the generation type to content in the AI engine options. You can aslo use alternative topics and additional prompts to generate an excellent description.

Second, you can create from an outline.

You should first create an outline. You can also customize the outline using alternative topics and additional prompts. You can generate a description with the created outline. Please refer to the video below.

An additional prompt used from outline to description in video:
Write the long description by fleshing out the following outline.
Description should be based on the outline.


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Multilingual Management With WPML And Porto https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/multilingual-management-with-wpml-and-porto/ https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/multilingual-management-with-wpml-and-porto/#respond Wed, 25 Jan 2023 17:00:58 +0000 https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/?p=2877 OverView WPML (The WordPress Multilingual Plugin) is one of the most popular translation plugins on the market. With WPML you can translate pages, posts, custom types, taxonomy, menus and even the theme’s texts. We work directly with the WPML team to guarantee 100% compatibility between Porto and the WPML plugin. Requirements To get started with Porto […]

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WPML (The WordPress Multilingual Plugin) is one of the most popular translation plugins on the market. With WPML you can translate pages, posts, custom types, taxonomy, menus and even the theme’s texts. We work directly with the WPML team to guarantee 100% compatibility between Porto and the WPML plugin.


To get started with Porto and WPML, you will need:

  • A recent version of Porto (6.4.1 or above).
  • A recent version of WPML (version 3.7 or above), including the String Translation, and Media translation add-ons.

Translating Your Content

With WPML and Porto, you can translate pages and posts and Porto Elements added to any page or post. Our Porto elements are all supported by WPML.

1. WPML Translate Everything Mode

This is the quickest way to get your site translated. See this documentation for more details.

All of the site’s main content will be automatically translated into all secondary languages as content is published or updated. Translations can then be reviewed on the front-end and edited by the user (or local translator) if needed.

Translate the site

2. WPML Translate Some Mode

You can pick and choose what to translate, when to translate it, and who will translate it. This mode allows for content to be translated manually, translated via WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor, translated by professional translation services, or even translated by a team of local translators.
Translate the site

Translating theme and plugin texts, including widgets and general texts

WPML String Translation allows you to translate texts that are not in posts, pages, and taxonomies. This includes the site’s tagline, general texts in admin screens, widget titles, and many other texts. Please refer to this documentation – string translation.
Choose the translating language in WPML plugin

Translating taxonomies and menus

Taxonomies and menus should be translated automatically if the user chooses Translate Everything. Here is the WPML documentation which explains the process of translating taxonomies and translating menus for when the Translate Some mode is selected.

Translating WooCommerce elements using WooCommerce Multilingual

WPML comes with the WooCommerce Multilingual addon which allows users to fully translate their online store. Please refer to detailed WPML documentation for WooCommerce.

WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor

WPML also offer an Advanced Translation Editor. The editor comes with key features like machine translation, a glossary, translation memory, spell checker, HTML-less editing, and more. To use it, it needs to be first activated on the WPML -> Settings page.The main features it offers are these:

  • HTML Markers – The Advanced Translation Editor allows visual translation without having to edit HTML.
  • Machine Translation – The Advanced Translation Editor allows you to auto-translate the whole page at once, or a specific sentence you are currently editing. It supports most of the world languages.
  • Translation Memory – The Advanced Translation Editor breaks the content into sentences, allowing the editor to keep track of all the translated text. If there are repetitions, the editor will find and auto-complete the same phrases for you.
  • Glossary – The Advanced Translation Editor contains a Glossary, that allows you to inform translators of important keywords and phrases for which you want to suggest translations.
  • Spell checker – The built-in spell checker helps you avoid spelling errors and typos.

Getting Help

In case you need help translating your site built using our theme, visit WPML’s support forum or Our theme support system.

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Porto Patcher https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/porto-patcher/ https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/porto-patcher/#respond Wed, 11 Jan 2023 09:20:01 +0000 https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/?p=2844 The post Porto Patcher appeared first on Porto Documentation.


Porto Patcher is a tool that allows customers to quickly and easily fix bugs that they may encounter in their theme.

Here’s a possible documentation post for using Porto Patcher:

Using Porto Patcher in WordPress

Porto Patcher is a feature built into the Porto WordPress theme that allows you to quickly and easily fix bugs that you may encounter with your theme. It can be accessed from the WordPress admin dashboard and allows you to patch the theme files with a fix.

Before using Porto Patcher, please make sure you have a backup of your theme files and database. Applying patches can modify the theme files and cause issues if not done correctly.

Here are the steps to use Porto Patcher in WordPress:

  • Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
  • Go to Porto > Patcher.
  • Click on the “Patch” button to apply the available patch.
  • A message will be displayed once the patch has been applied.
  • Clear your browser cache and refresh your website to see the changes.

It is important to note that the patching process will override the files specified, so be cautious when doing so. It may also be best practice to test the patch on a staging or development site before applying to the live site.

In case you face any difficulty, you can refer to the theme developer’s support documentation or contact their support team for further assistance.

  • It’s also a good idea to check the theme’s changelog or release notes to see if a patch has already been included in a newer version of the theme before attempting to use Porto Patcher.
    Some fixes may require additional steps to be taken after applying the patch, such as clearing your website’s cache or regenerating thumbnails. Be sure to read any instructions provided with the patch before applying it.
  • As the patcher modifies the theme files, it is recommended to have a backup of the website and theme files.
  • If the patcher gives any error message contact their support for help.
  • In some cases, the patcher may require an active license key or access key to apply the patch.

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How to Create Custom Product Layout Using Elementor https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-create-custom-product-layout-using-elementor/ https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-create-custom-product-layout-using-elementor/#respond Mon, 02 Jan 2023 12:39:49 +0000 https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/?p=2832 While using the PORTO theme you can create your own custom single-product page layout using the Elementor page builder plugin. In order to create a custom layout using Elementor. First, you have to make sure that you allowed Elementor to edit the “Porto Template” from the WP-Dashboard >> Elementor >> Settings >> See the below […]

The post How to Create Custom Product Layout Using Elementor appeared first on Porto Documentation.

While using the PORTO theme you can create your own custom single-product page layout using the Elementor page builder plugin. In order to create a custom layout using Elementor. First, you have to make sure that you allowed Elementor to edit the “Porto Template” from the WP-Dashboard >> Elementor >> Settings >> See the below image:

After that navigate to the WP-Dashboard >> Porto >> Template Builder >> Single Product >> Add New:

Once you click on the “Create Builder” button it will redirect you to edit the page and from there you can click on the “Edit with Elementor” button and start building the layout with Elementor. See the below image:

In the Elementor you will see the elements, especially for the single product page, try to create the page layout using these elements to show the content on the single product page:

As you can see in the below image, I have created a layout using these “Single Product” elements, just like this, you can create as well as per your need. Before saving the layout you have to assign the location of the layout using “Display Condition”

Once you set the block condition simply save the layout and then check back to your site’s single product page after clearing the browser cache.

Hope this helps.

The post How to Create Custom Product Layout Using Elementor appeared first on Porto Documentation.

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How to Edit/Remove, Rename, and Reorder Product Data Tabs https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-edit-remove-rename-and-reorder-product-data-tabs/ https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/how-to-edit-remove-rename-and-reorder-product-data-tabs/#respond Mon, 02 Jan 2023 12:19:34 +0000 https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/documentation/?p=2823 By default, the “Description and Additional Information” tabs appear on the site. You can also, add the custom tabs, and the Global tab “Size Guide” on products. 1. DESCRIPTION TAB: While editing a product when you add the content in this main area, it will appear in the product description tab. See the images below: […]

The post How to Edit/Remove, Rename, and Reorder Product Data Tabs appeared first on Porto Documentation.

By default, the “Description and Additional Information” tabs appear on the site. You can also, add the custom tabs, and the Global tab “Size Guide” on products.


While editing a product when you add the content in this main area, it will appear in the product description tab. See the images below:


The “Additional Information Tab” contains the product’s necessary information on the attributes. All the attributes you added to the product will appear in this tab as you can see in the below images:


Our theme support additional custom tabs for the products. If you want to show more tabs with your own custom content in them you can set it by just editing a product. There you will see the option for the custom tab simply set the content in it then save settings and check back to the product after clearing the browser cache. Please refer to the below image:


By default, it’s set to the global tab. You can find the global tab option in the PORTO >> Theme Options >> WooCommerce >> Single Product >> See the below image:

As you can see in the above image the custom tab block slug is added, so the “Size Guide” tab content is coming from the blocks. In order to edit it navigate to the Dashboard >> PORTO >> Template Builder >> there you will find the “Size Guide” tab block simply edit it as per your need then save settings and check back to your site after clearing the browser cache.


Now, How to remove the tabs:

If you want to remove the tabs simply use the below code in the child theme >> functions.php file.


* Remove product data tabs


add_filter( ‘woocommerce_product_tabs’, ‘woo_remove_product_tabs’, 98 );

function woo_remove_product_tabs( $tabs ) {

unset( $tabs[‘description’] );                  // Remove the description tab

unset( $tabs[‘reviews’] );                                          // Remove the reviews tab

unset( $tabs[‘additional_information’] );           // Remove the additional information tab

return $tabs;


Then save the file and check back to your site product page after clearing the browser cache.


Now, How to rename the tabs:

If you want to rename the tabs simply use the below code in the child theme >> functions.php file.


* Rename product data tabs


add_filter( ‘woocommerce_product_tabs’, ‘woo_rename_tabs’, 98 );

function woo_rename_tabs( $tabs ) {

$tabs[‘description’][‘title’] = __( ‘More Information’ );                      // Rename the description tab

$tabs[‘reviews’][‘title’] = __( ‘Ratings’ );                                                  // Rename the reviews tab

$tabs[‘additional_information’][‘title’] = __( ‘Product Data’ );        // Rename the additional information tab

return $tabs;


Then save the file and check back to your site product page after clearing the browser cache.


Now, How to reorder the tabs:

If you want to reorder the tabs simply use the below code in the child theme >> functions.php file.


* Reorder product data tabs


add_filter( ‘woocommerce_product_tabs’, ‘woo_reorder_tabs’, 98 );

function woo_reorder_tabs( $tabs ) {

$tabs[‘reviews’][‘priority’] = 5;                                    // Reviews first

$tabs[‘description’][‘priority’] = 10;                                           // Description second

$tabs[‘additional_information’][‘priority’] = 15;   // Additional information third

return $tabs;


Then save the file and check back to your site product page after clearing the browser cache.

Hope this helps.

The post How to Edit/Remove, Rename, and Reorder Product Data Tabs appeared first on Porto Documentation.

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