How to get Coupon Code

How to get Coupon Code

If you are using hosting services such as Premium RDP and WPX for your website, and have chosen to use the Porto WordPress theme, then you are in luck! You can now receive a discount coupon code for your hosting services. This discount code can help you save money on your monthly hosting fees, allowing you to put more of your budget towards other important aspects of your website.

By using Premium RDP or WPX hosting services with the Porto WordPress theme, you can enjoy a fast and reliable website experience. The Porto theme is known for its clean and modern design, making it a popular choice for businesses and individuals who want to create a professional-looking website.

Step 1: Login to Your Account
In order to use a coupon code, you must first log in to your account on P-Theme. If you do not have an account, you can easily sign up.

Step 2: Input Your Purchase Code
Once you have logged in to your account, navigate to your profile page. This code is unique to your account and is provided to you when you make a purchase on our website. Inputting this code will allow you to access coupon codes.

Get Hosting Coupon Code

Step 3: Get Your Coupon Code
You can get a coupon code from hosting page by entering the purchase code.

Get Coupon Code

By porto_admin |