Porto Wishlist Icon Element

Porto Wishlist Icon Element

The Wishlist element plays an important role in your website, especially in your header part. The Porto Wishlist Element is very compatible with yith plugin. Porto offers you easy-to-use and easy-to-customize wishlist element. The Porto wishlist element allows you to design your wishlist in simple amd friendly way.

Porto Wishlist Element allows you to place your wishlist element on any part of your header. And multiple custom options.

How To Use The Porto Wishlist Element

Step 1. Create, or choose the Column into which you want to add your element. Click on Add New Element.

Step 2. Select Porto Wishlist Element from the Element List.

Step 3. Configure the Porto Wishlist Element to some place into your header.

Step 4. After completing your configuration, don’t forget to save all changes.

Element Content Options

Customize icon class– Additional class for wishlist icon.

Font size– Wishlist icon size.

Color– Wishlist icon color.

Extra class name– Add your additional class name without dot. e.g: my-class.

By porto_admin |