Post Meta – Single Builder

Post Meta – Single Builder

Post Meta element plays an important role in a post.
There are meta information such as author name, post date, post tag and etc.
Post Meta element can show all meta information.

How to create a Post Meta element?

Step 1 – Please create, or choose Column into which you want to add your element.
Step 2 – Select Post Meta element from Element list.
Step 3 – Drag Post Meta Element to somewhere into your content.
Step 4 – After you have finished your configuration, don’t forget to save all changes.

Element Style Options

Show Divider: To show divider between the post metas.

Hide Icon: To hide icon of metas except the date.

Hide by of author: To hide by of author meta.

Show Post Metas: Determines which meta to show.

Align: Controls metas alignment. Choose from Left, Center, Right.

Meta Spacing: To control the space between post metas.

Typography, Color: Controls the color and hover color and typography of meta.

By porto_admin |