Woo Link Element
This element displays WooCommerce Links including ‘Add to Cart’, ‘Add to Wishlist’, ‘Compare’, ‘Quick View’, ‘Image / Color Swatch’.
How To Use The Woo Link Element
Step 1. Create, or choose the Column into which you want to add your element. Click on Add New Element.
Step 2. Select Featured Woo Link Element from the Element List.
Step 3. Configure the Woo Link Element to display in various types.
Step 4. After completing your configuration, don’t forget to save all changes.
Element Content Options
Link Source – Choose which link to show. Available links are ‘Add to Cart’, ‘Add to Wishlist’, ‘Compare’, ‘Quick View’ and ‘Image / Color Swatch’.
Show Quantity Input – Choose to show or hide quantity input. This applies to only ‘Add to Cart’.
Hide Title – Choose to show or hide the title of link. This applies to only ‘Add to Cart’, ‘Compare’, ‘Quick View’.
Icon Class – Class list of default link icon.
Icon Class for variable product – Class list of link icon for variable product. This applies to only ‘Add to Cart’.
Icon Class for Added status – Class list of link icon when product is added to compare. This applies to only ‘Compare’.
Icon Position – Choose to display icon in left or right.