Hostings Archives - Porto - Best WordPress Themes Best WordPress Themes, Free WordPress Themes Wed, 17 Jan 2024 02:17:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Important is Server Location for SEO? Wed, 17 Jan 2024 02:17:52 +0000 In the fast-paced world of online presence, businesses and website owners are on a perpetual quest to unravel the secrets of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Amidst the myriad factors that shape SEO, there’s a silent player often underestimated—the server location.  So, imagine this as a journey where we uncover the pivotal role server location plays […]

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In the fast-paced world of online presence, businesses and website owners are on a perpetual quest to unravel the secrets of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Amidst the myriad factors that shape SEO, there’s a silent player often underestimated—the server location. 

So, imagine this as a journey where we uncover the pivotal role server location plays in how your website strides its stuff in search engine results.

Recognizing the Location of the Server:

When we talk about the server location in the SEO scene, we’re talking about the physical address of the server hosting your website. Now, why does it matter? Well, this server locale is a big deal—it’s the make-or-break factor in how speedy and snappy your website loads for visitors across the globe. The closer your server is to a user, the quicker your website loads, turning their visit into a smooth and delightful experience.

Targeting by location and local SEO:

When targeting specific geographic areas, the server location gains crucial importance, especially in local search results. If your server is in Australia but your organization is based in New York, this disparity can hinder local SEO. Users may experience slower loading times, impacting the effectiveness of your local outreach efforts. “Check DNS” becomes vital, urging companies to align server locations with target areas for enhanced local search results.

Server Location and Virtual Presence:

When you think about where to put your server, it’s not just about how close it is physically. It’s also about other stuff that’s less obvious, like how data travels on the internet, and all the tech behind servers. These things kind of create an invisible map that affects SEO. Understanding these bits and pieces is key to picking the right spot for your server. This choice can really make a difference in how well your site does in search results.

DNS or Content Delivery Networks:

The use of Content Delivery Networks, a potent remedy to lessen the effect of server location on website speed, is now possible. Static material from your website is distributed via CDNs among carefully chosen servers located all over the world. By doing this, they guarantee that users receive data from a server closer to their location, greatly speeding up loading times. To smoothly optimize the performance of CDNs, don’t forget to “Check DNS” settings before deploying them.

Common Misconceptions

So, let’s get something straight about server locations and how they affect SEO. Some people think that where your server is located is the only thing that matters for your website’s search rankings. It’s definitely important, but it’s not the whole story. Think of checking the DNS like getting an exclusive backstage pass – it’s cool, but you need more than that for a full SEO strategy. It’s like in a band, where every instrument is needed to make a great song. Each part of SEO plays a role in making your website a hit.

Google’s Insights on Server Efficiency:

Discovering the inner workings of a skilled magician is similar to unlocking the mysteries of Google’s search abilities. Google delivers very accurate search results by analyzing several criteria using its sophisticated algorithms. 

Google recognizes the influence of server location on the performance and user experience of a website, which is rather intriguing. To ensure that your website is optimized for Google’s algorithms, it is important to regularly adjust and optimize your DNS settings. Think of it as a routine check-up to ensure your website aligns with Google’s preferences.

Speed and Time of Loading:

Ever wondered why some websites load faster than others? It all boils down to server location. The closer the server, the quicker the loading time – a game-changer in SEO. Slow loading? Blame the data’s long journey. Search engines, especially Google, love speedy websites. That’s where Checking DNS kicks in – ensuring rapid Domain Name System (DNS) resolution for a seamless user experience. Fasten your seatbelt; we’re making your website a speedster in cyberspace!

Navigating the Cloud Computing:

Modern cloud computing has revolutionised conventional notions of server placement. This section examines cloud-based solutions and how they are transforming the significance of server location in the field of search engine optimisation (SEO). Comprehending the dynamics of cloud migration is essential for enhancing search visibility when organisations easily shift to the cloud. Cloud solutions enhance resource utilisation, hence immediately enhancing the server efficiency of Google. Cloud computing’s adaptability and scalability are in line with Google’s dedication to fast and dependable search outcomes, enhancing overall server efficiency.

In summary:

To sumup, when we talk about SEO, where your server is located really matters. It’s important to check DNS because it helps your website load faster and does a better job in local SEO. Basically, where your server is can be a big help in making your website perform better online.

Remember, when you’re working on your website, always think about making things better for your visitors. This means making sure your website works well with search engines too. SEO is a journey, and you make it better step by step.


1) Why does server location matter for SEO?

Well, think of it like having a dinner party – you want the food (your website) to reach your guests (users) while it’s still piping hot. Server location influences how quickly your website dishes out content. Google loves a fast buffet line, so it’s a tasty factor for SEO rankings.

2) How does server location affect local SEO efforts?

When your server snuggles up to your audience, content zips faster. Boosting local SEO it cozies up to search engines’ love for sites serving specific locales.

3) Can a Content Delivery Network (CDN) offset the impact of server location?

CDNs are like your website’s entourage, spreading cool vibes globally. They make sure your content is at the party, no matter where it’s happening. So, yeah, they’re the rockstars that make your website load faster worldwide. Totally worth the backstage pass.

4) Is server location the sole factor affecting website speed?

While the server location wears a snazzy hat, a whole crew of factors contribute to website speed – think of it as a spy team. Website design, clean coding, and optimized media are like the silent heroes working behind the scenes. It’s a group effort to save the day.

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Navigating the Digital Fortress: A Comprehensive Guide to Internet Security Mon, 25 Dec 2023 09:00:03 +0000 PlIn the fast-paced and interconnected world we live in, the internet plays a central role in our daily lives. Whether it’s for communication, information, or entertainment, our online activities leave a digital footprint that can be vulnerable to various security threats. Navigating this digital landscape safely requires a proactive approach and a comprehensive understanding of […]

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PlIn the fast-paced and interconnected world we live in, the internet plays a central role in our daily lives. Whether it’s for communication, information, or entertainment, our online activities leave a digital footprint that can be vulnerable to various security threats. Navigating this digital landscape safely requires a proactive approach and a comprehensive understanding of internet security. This guide aims to empower readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to build a robust defense against cyber threats.

Understanding the Digital Landscape:

The current digital landscape is vast and dynamic, presenting both opportunities and challenges. The rapid growth of online activities has given rise to a multitude of threats, including malware, phishing, and ransomware. To navigate this landscape securely, it’s essential to be aware of these threats and understand their implications for personal and organizational security.

Building a Strong Foundation:

A strong foundation is crucial in fortifying your digital fortress. Start by creating strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts. Utilize two-factor authentication whenever possible to add an extra layer of security. Regularly update your software and operating systems to patch vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cybercriminals. Additionally, consider the role of firewalls in protecting your devices from unauthorized access.

Safeguarding Personal Information:

Protecting your personal information is paramount in the digital age. Adjust privacy settings on social media platforms to control who can access your information. Be vigilant against phishing attempts by verifying the authenticity of emails and messages. Managing your online identity and limiting the amount of personal information you share can significantly reduce the risk of identity theft and other cybercrimes.

Choosing and Using Antivirus Software:

Selecting reliable antivirus software is a fundamental step in enhancing your digital security. Evaluate different options based on features, user reviews, and compatibility with your devices. Install and configure the chosen antivirus software, and regularly scan your devices for potential threats. This proactive approach can prevent malicious software from compromising your system.

Securing Your Network:

Your home Wi-Fi network is a gateway to the digital world, and securing it is essential. Set up a strong, unique password for your Wi-Fi network, and use advanced encryption protocols to protect data transmitted over the network. Regularly update your router firmware to fix security vulnerabilities, and consider creating a separate guest network to isolate guest devices from your main network.

Safe Browsing Practices:

Practice safe browsing habits to minimize the risk of falling victim to online threats. Check for secure connections by ensuring websites use HTTPS. Consider using virtual private networks (VPNs) for added privacy, especially when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks. Adjust browser security settings and use reputable extensions to protect against malicious websites and downloads.

Mobile Device Security:

Securing your mobile devices is as crucial as protecting your computer. Regularly update your smartphone and tablet operating systems, and be mindful of app permissions. Consider installing mobile antivirus solutions to detect and remove potential threats. These measures can prevent unauthorized access to your personal data through your mobile devices.

Data Backups and Recovery:

Data loss can be a devastating experience, but regular backups can mitigate the impact. Choose a reliable backup solution that suits your needs and preferences. Create a data recovery plan to ensure a quick and effective response in case of data loss. By regularly backing up your important files, you can restore your digital assets in the event of a cyber incident.

Educating Yourself and Others:

Staying informed about current cyber threats is a continuous process. Follow reputable cybersecurity blogs, subscribe to newsletters, and participate in online communities to stay updated on the latest developments. Share your knowledge with family members and friends, teaching them about digital security best practices. By fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, you contribute to a safer online environment for everyone.

Emerging Technologies and Future Challenges:

As technology advances, so do the tools and tactics employed by cybercriminals. Explore the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning on cybersecurity. Anticipate future security challenges and trends, and adapt your security practices accordingly. In the ever-evolving digital landscape, continuous learning is key to staying ahead of emerging threats.


In the digital age, securing your online presence is a shared responsibility. By following the comprehensive guide outlined above, you can build a robust defense against the myriad threats that exist in the digital landscape. Remember, knowledge is your most powerful tool in navigating the digital fortress. Stay informed, be proactive, and implement best practices to enjoy a safer and more secure online experience.

View the website for additional resources on enhancing your online security.

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Enhancing Your Brand and Website Promotion with Proxy Servers Fri, 08 Dec 2023 12:41:53 +0000 In the dynamic world of digital marketing, proxy servers have emerged as a significant tool for businesses and marketers. These servers act as intermediaries between a user’s computer and the internet, providing enhanced privacy, security, and functionality. This article delves into the multifaceted role of proxy servers in website and brand promotion, highlighting their key […]

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In the dynamic world of digital marketing, proxy servers have emerged as a significant tool for businesses and marketers. These servers act as intermediaries between a user’s computer and the internet, providing enhanced privacy, security, and functionality. This article delves into the multifaceted role of proxy servers in website and brand promotion, highlighting their key benefits and applications.

Enhancing Your Brand and Website Promotion with Proxy Servers

The Role of Anonymity and Security in Competitive Analysis

Maintaining Anonymity with Proxies

Proxy servers are pivotal in concealing your IP address, thus ensuring anonymity online. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses conducting competitive analysis and market research. By using proxies, companies can access competitors’ websites, marketing strategies, and customer interactions without disclosing their identity or intent.

Secure Data Collection

Proxies also offer a layer of security, crucial for protecting sensitive market research data from potential cyber threats. This ensures that the information gathered for marketing strategies is secure and uncorrupted.

Leveraging Proxies for Regional Content Access and Analysis

Accessing Geo-specific Content

Many websites offer content tailored to specific geographic locations. Proxies enable businesses to bypass regional restrictions, allowing them to access and analyze this geo-specific content. This is invaluable for companies looking to expand into new markets or understand regional consumer behaviors.

Enhancing Local SEO Strategies

Using proxies to access regional search results can significantly improve local SEO strategies. This allows businesses to understand how they rank in different regions and refine their SEO tactics accordingly.

Social Media Management and Proxies

World Wide Proxy Servers

Multiple Account Handling

Social media platforms often restrict the number of accounts operated from a single IP address. Proxies allow businesses to manage multiple social media accounts efficiently, enabling widespread marketing campaigns and brand presence enhancement across various platforms.

Effective Campaign Tracking

By using different proxies for different campaigns or accounts, businesses can track the performance and engagement of each campaign more accurately, leading to more effective social media strategies.

SEO Optimization Through Proxies

Keyword and SERP Analysis

Proxies play a crucial role in SEO optimization by allowing businesses to perform unbiased keyword research and Search Engine Results Page (SERP) analysis. This helps in understanding the effectiveness of keywords and the visibility of their website on search engines in different regions.

Speed and Performance Optimization

Using proxies can also improve website speed and performance, particularly for users in different geographical locations. Faster load times lead to a better user experience, which is a key factor in SEO rankings.

Overcoming Content Restrictions and Blockades

VPS Servers

Bypassing Geo-Restrictions

Proxies enable businesses to overcome geographical barriers and content blockades, allowing them to execute marketing strategies in regions with restricted internet access or censored content.

Expanding Global Reach

This capability is crucial for brands aiming to establish a presence in international markets, ensuring their marketing content is accessible worldwide.

Conclusion: Maximizing Marketing Efficiency with Proxies

In summary, proxy servers offer a versatile and powerful toolset for businesses looking to enhance their website and brand promotion strategies. From maintaining anonymity and security to accessing regional content and optimizing SEO, the benefits of using proxies in digital marketing are vast and varied. By incorporating proxy servers into their digital marketing toolkit, businesses can not only safeguard their online activities but also gain a competitive edge in the increasingly digital marketplace.

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Uptime Monitoring: How to Setup Sun, 12 Nov 2023 13:52:16 +0000 Uptime monitoring is critical for any online business. With more users expecting 24/7 availability, even minor downtime can result in lost revenue and damaged reputation. Proper setup of uptime monitoring provides peace of mind and allows you to identify and resolve issues before they impact users. This article will guide you through choosing, setting up, […]

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Uptime monitoring is critical for any online business. With more users expecting 24/7 availability, even minor downtime can result in lost revenue and damaged reputation. Proper setup of uptime monitoring provides peace of mind and allows you to identify and resolve issues before they impact users. This article will guide you through choosing, setting up, and optimizing an uptime monitoring system.

Why Uptime Monitoring Matters

Uptime refers (what is uptime – answer) to the percentage of time a server is operational and accessible to users. For ecommerce sites, uptime directly correlates to sales and customer satisfaction. Studies show that just 1% of downtime can result in up to 4% loss in revenue. Effective uptime monitoring setup allows you to maximize uptime.

Key Features of Uptime Monitoring Tools

When evaluating uptime monitoring tools, key features to look for include:

  • Real-time alerts – Immediate notification of downtime via email, SMS, Slack etc. Enables quick troubleshooting.
  • Customizable monitoring – Monitor website as well as back-end server elements. Set preferred intervals.
  • Comprehensive analytics – Track uptime and response time trends. Identify slow periods.
  • Reliability – The tool itself should have robust uptime and support.
  • Scalability – Easily accommodate website changes and growth in pages.

Choosing the Right Uptime Monitoring Service

Uptime Backend Screenshot

Highlight Host-Tracker’s global monitoring network, which can help simulate user interactions from different locations to ensure a website is accessible worldwide.

Host-Tracker is useful http checker tool online recognized for its comprehensive monitoring capabilities, offering a variety of checks including website uptime, domain & SSL certificate expirations, and server health.

It boasts a user-friendly dashboard and provides features like instant alerts, detailed reports, and the ability to check website content for specific keywords.

With Host-Tracker, you’ll find a range of subscription plans that cater to different needs, from basic to advanced monitoring requirements.

For a small blog, basic plans might suffice, but for an e-commerce site, more advanced options with frequent checks and comprehensive reporting may be necessary. Break down Host-Tracker’s pricing structure and suggest strategies for maximizing value without compromising on essential features.

Host-Tracker provides customer support that can be a critical lifeline in times of unexpected website downtimes.

By carefully considering these factors, businesses can determine whether Host-Tracker aligns with their uptime monitoring needs, balancing cost against a robust set of features and reliable customer support.

Step-by-Step Uptime Monitoring Setup

Uptime Screenshot
Below are step-by-step instructions to set up HostTracker for uptime monitoring:

  1. Sign up for a HostTracker account.

  2. Add the website domain and set monitoring frequency.

  3. Customize monitoring types – HTTP, HTTPS, Ping, advanced uptime.

  4. Set up email, SMS, app notifications.

  5. Add monitoring locations to test site from different regions.

  6. Integrate Google Analytics for response time and traffic data.

  7. Set status page for public uptime display.

  8. Enable advanced features like API and transaction monitoring.

Uptime Monitoring Best Practices

To ensure your uptime monitoring is as effective as possible, adhere to the following best practices:

  • Optimize Monitoring Intervals: Adjust the frequency of your checks to balance system load with timely alerts. Critical systems may require near-continuous monitoring, while less critical systems might be fine with less frequent checks.
  • Diversify Test Locations: Use multiple geographic locations to test your site’s availability, mimicking the experience of users from around the world and ensuring a global perspective on uptime.
  • Efficient Notification Systems: Set up a reliable alert mechanism that promptly notifies your team of any downtime, regardless of the time of day, so they can react immediately to resolve issues.
  • Monitor Custom Transactions: Implement checks for complex user pathways, such as shopping carts or login processes, to ensure these critical functions are always operational for a seamless user experience.

Advanced Setup Options

When elevating your uptime monitoring, consider incorporating these advanced setup options.

API monitoring. Go beyond basic uptime checks to validate the consistent performance and availability of API endpoints, which are crucial for service integration and app functionality.

Response time analysis. Measure and track the response times of your website from various global locations, providing insights into user experience and potential bottlenecks.

Comprehensive reporting. Create detailed reports on uptime statistics, which can be invaluable for stakeholders to assess the reliability of online services and make informed decisions.


Proper setup is key to maximizing the value of uptime monitoring. By following the steps outlined in this guide and optimizing your configuration, you can gain comprehensive insight into your website’s availability and performance. Effective uptime monitoring delivers peace of mind and helps build a positive user experience.

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HawkHost Uptime and Performance: A Benchmark for Excellent Hosting Mon, 06 Nov 2023 10:09:54 +0000 HawkHost has been in the hosting service for more than a decade. They offer a range of hosting plans that are known for excellent uptime and performance, making them a benchmark for other hosting companies. With this, they have also proved to be best in providing the best features under all their plans at reasonable […]

The post HawkHost Uptime and Performance: A Benchmark for Excellent Hosting appeared first on Porto - Best WordPress Themes.

HawkHost has been in the hosting service for more than a decade. They offer a range of hosting plans that are known for excellent uptime and performance, making them a benchmark for other hosting companies.

With this, they have also proved to be best in providing the best features under all their plans at reasonable prices. With that in mind, in this article, we will explore the features that make HawkHost an excellent hosting company.

HawkHost Overview – Pricing and Features

HawkHost was launched in 2004 and provides different web hosting services such as shared hosting, reseller hosting, semi dedicated hosting, and VPS. They have a total of 7 data centers spread across the US, UK, China, and Canada.

All the products offered by HawkHost come with premium features, and the best part about them is that they are reasonably priced. The basic plan of shared hosting starts at just $2.99 per month. But you can get an easy 25% discount on their plans. Let’s see their plans for different hosting services.

Shared Hosting Plans –

Shared hosting is where multiple websites share a single physical server

connected to the internet. HawkHost is popular for its shared hosting plans as they are the cheapest in the industry and yet reliable. Also, you can grab a 40% discount on their 2 years billing plans.

Shared Hosting Plans Primary Plan Professional Plan
1 month pricing $3.74 $7.49
1 year pricing $2.99 $6.74
2 year pricing $2.24 $5.99

Reseller Hosting Plans –

A reseller hosting web hosting service one in where a person or business first buys the web hosting plan from a provider and then resells that it to their own customers. You can snag up to 40% discount on their reseller plans.

Reseller Hosting Plans Bronze Plan Silver Plan Platinum Plan
1 month pricing $14.24 $25.49 $47.99
1 year pricing $11.99 $22.49 $41.24
2 year pricing $9.74 $19.49 $34.49

Semi Dedicated Cloud Hosting –

The term “Semi-Dedicated Cloud Hosting” refers to a type of web hosting that gives a significant level of computational capacity while preserving the ease of use and simplicity that shared hosting provides. Some of the plans offered by HawkHost under this are –

Semi dedicated hosting Nestling Plan Talon Plan
1 month pricing $14.99 $37.49
1 year pricing $13.49 $33.74
2 year pricing $11.99 $29.99

Besides these three hosting services, HawkHost also offers Cloud Compute and VPS plans to their customers. The Cloud Compute plans are decided on the basis of the amount of memory allocated to the virtual machines. For a 1 GB plan, you can start with $5 per month, which goes as high as 32 GB for $160 per month.

The same prices are allocated to the VPS plans offered by HawkHost. Websites that need greater capacity than what shared hosting can offer but do not require the complete resources that a dedicated server offers can benefit from using a virtual private server or VPS hosting.

Standalone features offered are –

  1. Limited SSD Disk space (changes with plan)
  2. Unlimited bandwidth and databases
  3. Unlimited domains and emails
  4. Free SSL Certificate and website migration from one server to Hawkhost
  5. Hassle free setup
  6. Weebly site builder with drop and drag feature
  7. Website security with malware scanner and defense
  8. cPanel access in all plans
  9. Data centers have XEON/ EPYC servers
  10. 24/7 support

Uptime and Performance Metrics of HawkHost – Best in Industry

The primary purpose of a hosting company is to keep your site running smoothly at all times.

Along with that, there are other performance metrics that make a hosting service premium. It not only improves your viewer’s user experience but also contributes towards enhancing Core Web Vitals. Some of the metrics that contribute towards making HawkHost a good choice are –

1. Uptime Percentage

Uptime basically means the amount of time the website has been up and running properly. It is measured as the percentage of the total time the website is supposed to be running.

HawkHost guarantees 99.99% of uptime for all their plans. And regarding the uptime, you can also see many reviews on their official website of many clients.

2. Server response time

In terms of how quickly its servers respond to requests, HawkHost’s shared hosting plans have an average aggregate response speed of 141.06 milliseconds, according to measurements taken every four hours from ten different locations.

The loading speeds of HawkHost’s web pages are said to be quick, with an average loading time of approximately 1.08 seconds, according to various tests and reviews. You can also do your research and check the server time by visiting their site and data center section.

3. Downtime Duration

As the term suggests, downtime means the amount of time the website or server has been unavailable. It can be caused by reasons like software failure, technical glitches, and more.

With HawkHost, if you face any downtime issues, you can easily reach out to their support channels and raise a ticket regarding the same. They have a 99.99% uptime guarantee (which one the best in the market), which means you hardly get any downtime with HawkHost.

4. Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Customer feedback can tell you a lot about how well a hosting company’s services work and how they handle downtime. Customer reviews and comments from present and past clients can show how they dealt with downtime and dependability.

You can see many positive reviews from clients all over the world on their official site. I have been using HawkHost for all my sites, and I do not have any complaints from the services so far. So according to me, you get what you pay for in HawkHost.

5. 24/7/365 support

With HawkHost, you get support from a dedicated technical team with access to a simple ticketing system. All you have to do is raise a ticket regarding your concern on their official site. They also provide a knowledge base about almost all the topics like billing, hosting settings, configuration, integration with other applications, and more.

They also have several social media accounts to help you be aware of any new developments happening in their products. They are also very vocal about ongoing offers and discounts throughout the year for your benefit.

Final Words

While it is very important to consider these performance metrics for your hosting platform, it is also practical to have first hand experience before committing to anything for the long term.

With that in mind, start your basic plan with HawkHost and experience its features. You can have your money back if you do not like the product. They have a 30 days money back guarantee which is super feasible and effective. So start your journey today.

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Best 7 Ways to Secure SSH Server in Linux VPS Wed, 01 Nov 2023 06:51:28 +0000 Securing your SSH (Secure Shell) server on a Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS) is of utmost importance to ensure the safety and integrity of your system. SSH is a standard tool used to access remote servers securely, making it a prime target for potential cyber threats. Implementing robust security measures can significantly reduce the risk […]

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Securing your SSH (Secure Shell) server on a Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS) is of utmost importance to ensure the safety and integrity of your system. SSH is a standard tool used to access remote servers securely, making it a prime target for potential cyber threats. Implementing robust security measures can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and potential security breaches. This guide will discuss the best seven ways to secure your SSH server on a Linux VPS. So, if security is your No. 1 concern, and you will buy Linux VPS, read or save it.

You must protect your VPS from new risks since eventually hackers will attempt to steal your data. Websites for businesses and organizations in particular are increasingly popular targets for hackers. Although most firms have some form of basic security in place, these measures are frequently ineffectual and readily broken.

1. Update Your SSH Software Regularly

Keeping your SSH software up-to-date ensures that you have the latest security patches and improvements. Use package managers like apt or yum to update SSH on your Linux VPS regularly. The panel you’re using, such as Plesk or cPanel, has to be updated as well. The majority of panels may be configured to update themselves automatically, and the majority of package updates in cPanel use EasyApache.

Additionally, you must concentrate on panels like Plesk or cPanel and examine notices if they are not automatically updated. Your operating system can be set up to deliver email notifications of yum package updates.

2. Change the Default SSH Port

Because they can’t find SSH, hackers have a difficult time breaking it. Malicious scripts won’t be able to connect directly to the default SSH port if the port number is changed. Change the default SSH port (usually 22) to a custom port to make it less predictable for potential attackers. Update the SSH configuration file (sshd_config) to reflect the new port.

To open ssh-config, run the command below and make the necessary adjustments:


Now, verify if any further services utilize the selected port number.

It’s crucial to understand that changing the default SSH port has no effect on your server’s security. It does, however, aid in preventing automated attacks.

3. Implement Key-Based Authentication

By utilizing a public/private key pair, key-based authentication replaces the “what you know” password element of the SSH authentication challenge. The user is specifically identified by this asymmetric encryption. More crucially, it does not call for manual password entry, at least in the case of automation. SSH automatically transmits the authentication key. In the event that the remote system accepts the key, authentication happens instantly and inaudibly.

To do this, you must utilize SSH key pairs for authentication instead of relying solely on passwords. Then, disable password-based authentication and only allow access via SSH keys. Finally, ensure that the private key is kept securely on your local machine.

4. Use SSH Configuration for Increased Security

Another method to Secure SSH server in Linux server, is to Modify SSH configurations to enhance security. The root client sign-in method should never be used. Because “root” is typically the username on Linux servers, hackers are attempting brute force attempts to guess the password and obtain access. Disabling root logins adds another degree of security by preventing attackers from figuring out the secret passwords. Instead of logging in as the root user, create a new username and use the sudo command to execute root-level instructions. Sudo grants authorized users’ special access that makes it possible to execute administrative commands without requesting root access. Make sure your non-root user is created and that the necessary level rights are offered before you disable the root account.

To do this, follow the below path:

  •       Disable root login to prevent direct root access.
  •       Limit SSH access to specific IP addresses using the AllowUsers directive.
  •       Set login grace time and idle session timeout.

5. Utilize Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Make sure the password you use for your cloud accounts is strong, and abide by the minimum password implementation guideline. Never use the same password across many services; use a password manager; and create separate passwords for each. To preserve data and safeguard your account, enable at least two-factor authentication. Make sure you are informed if someone is attempting to reset your secret key, and if security issues are involved, make sure you ask probing questions.

6. Employ Firewall Rules

Your firewall is your first line of defense against hackers since it acts as the gatekeeper to the server, allowing or denying access. One of the initial steps when configuring a new Linux VPS should be installing and configuring a firewall. Instead of using the outdated and insecure File Transfer Protocol (FTP), use SFTP, which is “FTP over SSH.” You need a firewall on your VPS server to stop distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks by filtering out superfluous traffic.

7. Monitor SSH Logs

Regularly monitor SSH logs to detect and respond to potential security threats. Tools like Fail2ban can automatically block IP addresses that show suspicious behavior. Also, you can use iptables to Restrict SSH Access.

Iptables is a Linux program used to monitor and filter incoming and outgoing server traffic as well as set up firewall rules. Almost all Linux distributions come with it by default. You may significantly increase the security of your server by using iptables to create rules that restrict or allow traffic for various services based on IP address, port, or network protocol. In our situation, we will configure the firewall to block all incoming SSH communication save for that from a single IP address or subnet. By doing so, blocking port 22 will not only prevent unwanted access to your servers but also mitigate or stop DDoS attacks. It’s important to watch out that you don’t totally block SSH traffic when performing this step-in order to prevent locking yourself out.


In this article, you learned How to Secure SSH server in Linux VPS. Web server infrastructure flaws can have disastrous effects. There are millions of hackers working around the clock to find even the smallest security holes in your Linux VPS. The suggested ways you reviewed can certainly increase your Linux VPS security.

Implementing these security measures will significantly enhance the security of your SSH server on a Linux VPS. It’s crucial to stay vigilant, keep software up-to-date, and regularly review and adjust security configurations to adapt to emerging threats. A well-secured SSH server is a critical component in maintaining a secure and reliable Linux VPS. Stay safe and keep your VPS protected!

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What is a VPS and How to Choose the Right One for Your Needs Wed, 25 Oct 2023 08:47:31 +0000 It’s no secret that in the 21st century, having a strong online presence is critical for both businesses and individuals who want to gain popularity in a particular field. This is greatly facilitated by having your own website. And any website should be located on high-quality hosting, for example 3v-Hosting, and the best solution now […]

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It’s no secret that in the 21st century, having a strong online presence is critical for both businesses and individuals who want to gain popularity in a particular field. This is greatly facilitated by having your own website.

And any website should be located on high-quality hosting, for example 3v-Hosting, and the best solution now is a Virtual Private Server (VPS). This is an inexpensive but very powerful solution that will help take your website, application or personal page to a new level, because many SEO parameters by which the site is evaluated by search engines depend on the quality of hosting.

So, what is a VPS?

What is a VPS?

A VPS, short for Virtual Private Server, is a virtualized hosting environment that offers a middle ground between shared hosting and dedicated servers. Unlike shared hosting, where multiple websites share resources on a single server, a VPS provides you with a dedicated portion of a physical server’s resources. This allocation ensures that your website or application operates independently, with greater control and enhanced performance.

The Benefits of VPS Hosting

Choosing a VPS can offer numerous advantages:

  1. Enhanced Performance: With dedicated resources like CPU, RAM, and storage, a VPS ensures consistent and reliable performance, even during traffic spikes.

  2. Isolation: Unlike shared hosting, your VPS operates independently, shielding you from the performance or security issues of neighboring websites.

  3. Customization: You have the freedom to install and configure software, adjust server settings, and tailor the environment to suit your specific needs.

  4. Scalability: VPS plans are often scalable, allowing you to easily upgrade your resources as your website or application grows.

How to Choose the Right VPS

Selecting the perfect VPS hosting solution requires careful consideration of several factors. Let’s break down the steps to ensure you make an informed decision:

1. Determine Your Hosting Needs

Before you dive into the world of VPS hosting, it’s essential to assess your website or application’s requirements. Consider the following factors:

  • Traffic Volume: Understand your website’s average and peak traffic. This data will help you determine the necessary CPU and RAM resources.

  • Content Type: If your site serves multimedia content, you’ll require more storage and bandwidth. E-commerce sites may need additional security features.

  • Operating System: Decide whether you need a Linux VPS or a Windows VPS, depending on your application’s compatibility.

2. Budget Considerations

VPS hosting comes in various pricing tiers, so it’s vital to align your budget with your hosting needs. Keep in mind that while a VPS can be more expensive than shared hosting, the benefits it offers make it a cost-effective solution for many.

3. Managed vs. Unmanaged VPS

You can choose between managed and unmanaged VPS hosting:

  • Managed VPS: Ideal for those who prefer a hands-off approach. Your hosting provider handles server maintenance, updates, and security, leaving you more time to focus on your website or application.

  • Unmanaged VPS: Suitable for those with server administration skills. You’ll have full control over your server, including software installations and security, but you’re responsible for server maintenance and updates.

4. Hardware Specifications

Pay attention to the hardware specifications included in your VPS plan. Key factors to consider include:

  • CPU: A faster CPU can handle more requests and provide better performance. Choose the right number of cores for your workload.

  • RAM: Sufficient RAM ensures smooth multitasking and efficient server operation. Your RAM needs should align with the demands of your website or application.

  • Storage: Assess the type and amount of storage required. Solid-State Drives (SSDs) offer faster data access and are preferred for speed and reliability.

5. Scalability

Opt for a VPS plan that allows for scalability. As your website or application grows, you may need to upgrade resources without migrating to a new hosting solution. Scalability ensures you can expand seamlessly.

6. Data Center Location

Consider the physical location of the data center where your VPS will be hosted. Select a data center that’s geographically close to your target audience for faster loading times and improved user experience.

7. Uptime and Reliability

Check the hosting provider’s uptime guarantees and service-level agreements (SLAs). A reliable VPS hosting provider should offer at least 99.9% uptime. This ensures your website is accessible to users around the clock.

8. Security Features

Security is paramount in VPS hosting. Look for providers that offer robust security features, including firewalls, DDoS protection, regular backups, and SSL certificates.

9. Customer Support

Quality customer support is essential. Ensure your hosting provider offers 24/7 customer support with multiple contact channels. It’s crucial to have assistance available in case of technical issues or questions.

10. Reviews and Recommendations

Before making your final decision, read reviews and seek recommendations from others who have experience with the VPS hosting provider you’re considering. This can provide valuable insights into their reputation and service quality.


Choosing the right VPS hosting solution is a critical decision that can greatly impact the performance and security of your website or application. By understanding your specific hosting needs and carefully evaluating VPS options, you can make an informed choice that sets you on the path to online success. Whether you’re running a small blog or a bustling e-commerce site, a well-chosen VPS can be the foundation for your digital presence, ensuring reliability, scalability, and outstanding performance.

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The Best WordPress Hosting Services in 2023 Fri, 26 May 2023 07:47:37 +0000 WordPress is the world’s most popular and widely used Content Management System. It is powering over 40% of the total websites on the internet. The CMS is easy to use and makes handling a website significantly easier, secure, scalable, fast, and efficient. Plugins and themes are a vital part of a WordPress site and help […]

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WordPress is the world’s most popular and widely used Content Management System. It is powering over 40% of the total websites on the internet. The CMS is easy to use and makes handling a website significantly easier, secure, scalable, fast, and efficient.

Plugins and themes are a vital part of a WordPress site and help us design an interactive and friendly interface. But a website cannot go online without hosting. Reliable hosting ensures your site stays live and performs faster for users. Moreover, WP Hosting is significantly different than traditional hosting services.

So, if you are a newcomer learning how to create a website from scratch and do not know much about the differences and having a really hard time choosing the best WordPress Hosting, here are the 11 best web hosting services for WordPress in 2023.

The Best WordPress Hosting Services

The best hosting services are evaluated based on pricing, uptime, customer support, performance, ease of use, migration, and features. All the hosting are rigorously tested to ensure they are truly the best hosting services for WordPress in 2023.

1. Kinsta

Kinsta Hosting

  • Price: Starting from 7 /mo.
  • Ratings: 4.2 Stars on Trustpilot

Kinsta is a managed WordPress hosting service that offers fast and reliable hosting solutions for businesses and individuals.

Their platform is built on the Google Cloud Platform, which provides high-performance infrastructure and advanced security features.

Kinsta offers a range of features including automatic backups, free SSL certificates, and a user-friendly dashboard. They also provide excellent customer support with a team of WordPress experts available 24/7 to assist with any issues or questions.

Overall, Kinsta is a great choice for anyone looking for a reliable and secure hosting solution for their WordPress site.

2. A2 Hosting


  • Price: Starting from 2.99/mo.
  • Ratings: 4.3 Stars on Trustpilot

A2 Hosting is the first WordPress hosting on our list. It is a highly secure, fast, and optimized hosting service. One thing that stands out is the plans; it has plans for all kind of WordPress users. A2 Hosting has three shared hosting plans and four managed options. All the plans come with SSD storage and all except the basic plan have unlimited storage and monthly data transfer.

Two of the best features of A2 Hosting are exceptional customer support and easy site migrations. After committing to its plans, the site offers unlimited data transfer, making site migrations fairly simple and easy. Moreover, the customer support is exceptional; they call it the 24/7/365 Guru Crew Support team. Their professional team takes care of all your website and hosting-related issues.

3. Bluehost

  • Price: Starting from 2.95/mo.
  • Ratings: 3.9 Stars on Trustpilot

Bluehost is one of the most popular hosting services in the world. It is a WordPress-recommended hosting service. Bluehost is an excellent choice for both blogs and online stores, as it has been ranked #1 for small businesses for several years. It starts at $2.95 a month and comes with a free domain for a year and an SSL certificate. The extra perk is quite handy and saves you some money.

Some of the standout Bluehost features for us are friendly and upgraded cPanel, unmetered bandwidth, and 1-click install for WordPress website. The revamped user panel makes working with the hosting significantly easier. With unmetered bandwidth, you can be assured that the website will not get slow because of traffic. Moreover, Bluehost also has excellent customer support and handy video tutorials.


4. DreamHost

  • Price: Starting from 2.95/mo.
  • Ratings: 4.7 Stars on Trustpilot

DreamHost is another WordPress-recommended hosting company that has been powering millions of sites since 1997. It has three plans; one of them is VPS, which delivers significantly more powerful service than traditional WP Hosting. It can accommodate unlimited websites, data transfer, traffic, and bandwidth.

Like many others, DreamHost has a 1-click WordPress installation and a friendly and easy-to-use cPanel. The customer support is also great and 24/7, but the Live chat team is US based, so you will only get live help from 5:30 am to 9:30 pm Pacific Time.

5. InMotion Hosting

InMotion Hosting Service

  • Price: Starting from 2.49/mo.
  • Ratings: 4.0 Stars on Trustpilot

InMotion Hosting is another excellent WordPress-specific hosting that makes running WordPress website a breeze. It offers excellent performance in the US and has great plans to build 2 websites. InMotion also provides a free SSL certificate with 100GB of storage.

A great thing about InMotion hosting is the access to BoldGrid website builder, a convenient drag-and-drop development tool for all kinds of WordPress sites. The hosting also comes with unlimited monthly data transfer making it an excellent option for eCommerce stores. Moreover, the 90-day money-back guarantee is a cherry on top.

The website’s customer services and support stuff (articles and videos) are also pretty good, and we can access live chat, email, and phone support 24/7.

6. Hostinger

Hostinger hosting service

  • Price: Starting from 1.99/mo.
  • Ratings: 4.6 Stars on Trustpilot

Hostinger has quickly developed into a well-established company due to its exceptional price of just 1.99$ a month. The unbeatable price is accompanied by unlimited bandwidth, a free domain, and SSL certificate. In addition to shared WordPress hosting plans, it also offers cloud, VPS, and dedicated plans. All the plans have automatic WordPress updates, staging tools, and one-click WordPress installation.

The hosting ensures a fast website with its optimized speed acceleration. And its customer support is unparalleled. Hostinger has 7 data centers around the world, and each of them offers live support chat.

7. SiteGround

SiteGround Hosting Service

  • Price: Starting from 3.99/mo.
  • Ratings: 4.6 Stars on Trustpilot

The seventh on our list is SiteGround. It is another WordPress-recommended hosting service that is an incredibly powerful managed hosting solution. The hosting is optimized to accommodate websites of any type and size. Moreover, SiteGround has three data centers in Europe, Asia, and the USA, so you can choose the closest one for lighting fast speed.

The standout features of SiteGround are its speed and security through malware protection, web application firewall, and various other security features. It also makes data migration fast and easier with its free migration tool. Moreover, SiteGround is also a great hosting to use the combination of WordPress and WooCommerce.

We also have only positive comments about the 24/7 customer support via live chat and phone.

8. GreenGeeks

GreenGeeks Hosting Service

  • Price: Starting from 2.95/mo.
  • Ratings: 4.2 Stars on Trustpilot

GreenGeeks is a fast, secure, and one of the few green hosting services worldwide. They give back 3x of the energy they consume in the form of renewable energy by purchasing wind energy credits which takes their net usage to negative. It is an excellent hosting service for companies looking to reduce their Carbon footprint.

Overall, GreenGeeks has a straightforward portal designed to complete the job. The hosting is incredibly fast and secure thanks to its SSD storage, malware scanning, and downtime monitoring. Plus, you also get a 30-day money-back guarantee.

9. GoDaddy

GoDaddy Hosting Service

  • Price: Starting from 4.99/mo.
  • Ratings: 4.7 Stars on Trustpilot

GoDaddy is a premier web hosting service, hosting tens of thousands of websites for years. It is made for businesses that are expecting premier web hosting services. It has managed servers, built-in security, free domain, SSL certificates, and automatic updates. GoDaddy checks all the boxes of excellent web hosting for both advanced and novice users.

Some great features of GoDaddy include Microsoft 365 mailboxes, SEO optimizer, payment transaction system, and access to premium WooCommerce extension, making it one of the best hosting services for eCommerce stores.

The 24/7 live chat support is unavailable in every country, but you will get it in countries like US and UK. For other countries, GoDaddy has limited hours.

10. iPage

IPage Hosting Service

  • Price: Starting from 2.99/mo.
  • Ratings: 4.2 Stars on Trustpilot

iPage is one of those hosting services that has shown significant improvement in many areas. Affordable hosting has an excellent website builder, strong uptime, and plans that come with many perks and features. It has excellent VPS, Dedicated and shared hosting plans. The plans come with unlimited disk space, monthly data transfer, and email addresses, which is great for eCommerce sites.

The hosting has ample security features to protect your website or websites from all sorts of attacks and malware. Moreover, it uses Weebly for websites and ShopSite for eCommerce website development. Both website builders are straightforward, and a wizard takes you through each website development step.

Lastly, customer support is excellent on both web and telephonic channels.

11. HostArmada

  • Price: Starting from 2.99/mo.
  • Ratings: 4.9 Stars on Trustpilot

HostArmada is the last WordPress web hosting service on our list. It is another great hosting that will make your website fast and optimized with its wide range of features and value-added services. HostArmada is a fast and reliable option with minimal downtime and can handle heavy traffic quite remarkably.

One thing I like about the system is the easy-to-use and intuitive cPanel integration. In our testing, even a beginner was able to manage the site easily. Moreover, at this affordable price, the web hosting comes with free SSL, Domain, website transfer, and optimization. As far as customer support is concerned, it is offered through multiple channels, and the performance is very identical to other hosting services on our list.


That’s all from our side; these are the 11 best web hosting services for WordPress in 2023. All of them have the features and services to take care of all your WordPress website hosting needs.

The top web hosting service for us is A2 Hosting; it is a perfect combination of great value, fast data transfer, easy data migration, and exceptional customer service.

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