What's New

Porto Version 6.12 Updated!

Even better performance, new and updated pre-built sites and various improvements

Learn More View Changelog

High Performance

Fast Performance and Much Lighter

Reduce rendering time and scripting time for loading the website. We also reduce 68% of site
resources to make more lighter.

Performance status with Porto 6.12.0

New Prebuilts

New modern prebuits, with different effects and also great UX.

Updated Prebuilts

Good Customizable Experience

Most shop demos are rebuilt to improve the UX customizable experience. You can use lots of layouts(Product Loop, Single Product, Product Archive) with Porto Studio Library.

New Demo Image

Improved AI Review Engine

AI Review Engine with ChatGPT

We updated the AI review engine and implement to shop4, shop45, shop46.

Product AI Summary Plugin

User Experience of

Shopping Layouts

You can import wonderful and new product type (loop) and single product layout from Porto Studio Library.

Added Studio Blocks

Added 20+ studio blocks for new shop and creative demos. Enjoy how easy it is to use our studio.

New Features



  • Fixed: Analytics database doesn't work well on Rank Math Seo ( Customer Issue )
  • Fixed: Live search issue compatibility with YITH Point of Sale(POS) plugin ( Customer Issue )
  • Fixed: Issue which Theme Option wishlist-color-inverse does not work well for compare plugin
  • Fixed: Badge issue on Porto Patcher
  • Fixed: Pre-order issue for variable products
  • Fixed: Info box hover color issue
  • Fixed: Demo import if DOMDocument doesn't exists
  • Fixed: Class variable php issue for PHP 8.0
  • Fixed: W3 validation issue of open graph meta tags with SEO Plugins
  • Fixed: W3 validation issue of ultimate content box widget
  • Fixed: Right sidebar works as left sidebar on mobile
  • Fixed: Hover color of advanced button
  • Fixed: Outline custom issue of button widget
  • Fixed: Height issue of slide side menu widget(photography demo)
  • Fixed: Product vertical thumb column issue
  • Fixed: Shop 35 menu loading broken issue
  • Fixed: Shop 46 merge css issue( css variable )
  • Fixed: Bootstrap-optimize.js issue
  • Fixed: responsive columns of carousel ( 576 ~ 768 )
  • Fixed: Playground auth session issue
  • Fixed: Cutomer issue(pagination)
  • Fixed: Shop3 Category Type Issue
  • Fixed: Shop-Hidden Filters Type Issue
  • Fixed: Porto Popover widget doesn't work well
  • Fixed: Info box widget backward compatibility
  • Fixed: Sticky sidebar toggle button issue on Theme Options

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