Getting Started

Getting Started

Welcome to Porto WordPress!

We would like to thank you for purchasing Porto WordPress + eCommerce Theme!
It is very nice of you to choose Porto for your website, you will be never disappointed!
Before you get started, please be sure to always check out this documentation. We outline all kinds of good information, and provide you with all the details you need to use Porto WordPress. Porto WordPress can only be used with WordPress and we assume that you already have WordPress installed and ready to go.

If you are unable to find your answer here in our documentation, we encourage you to contact us through our support system with your site CPanel (or FTP) and wordpress admin details. We’re very happy to help you and you will get reply from us more faster than you expected.

Thank you, we hope you to enjoy using Porto WordPress!

Click here to view change logs.

WordPress Information

To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. If you need help installing WordPress, follow below sites and tutorials from, hope everything that you need are there.

By porto_admin |