Theme Options

Theme Options

Porto comes with advanced settings panel using wordpress customizer which contains options. We have the options organized into logical tabbed sections, and each option has a description of what it will do on the front end. Theme options page is divided into options panel on the left and customizer's preview...

Advanced Options

Please go to Porto -> Advanced Options. Advanced Options panel contains advanced theme options which are global and can be set without previewer. General - These options allow you to enable Site Loader and Site Search. Skin - Custom CSS and Javascript Portfolio - These options allow you to enable portfolio content type and...

Page/Post View Options

View Options is a meta box which allows you to set view options for single post page. If you want to change default theme options for special page/posts, you can use this meta box. For example, If you want to use right sidebar for a page though default page layout is...

How to set layout for custom post type

Up-to-date versions have not set the layout for Unlimted Post Types. Porto 6.4.0 settles this fault. Our Theme provides Layout options to Theme option. This option is useful to serveral custom post types. How To Set the layout. Step 1. Install Post Types Unlimited plugin and add new post type. Step 2. If...


General tab includes HTML Blocks, Logo, Icons, Site Search. These options control the Skin meta options, Skeleton, Loading overlay and Layout of page, header, footer, breadcrumb. HTML Blocks. At this part, You can control blocks such as Top, Content Top, Content Inner Top, Content Inner Bottom, Content Bottom, Bottom. To see blocks'...


Skin is an integral part of designing and maintaining your website design. With this management, you can update the entire site's color scheme. Theme Colors With theme colors, you can control primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, dark, light and social icon colors. Also you can build dark theme with inverse colors. Layout To control...


In this panel, you can set the layout options for header. Porto provides classic header types, header builder in WordPress customizer panel and header builder using page builders. If you builder header with Porto header builder, you can't use some of these options. Because of that, the Soft Mode(Full Site...


When assigning Menus, Porto also offers several theme options to help customize the menu. When styling your various menu locations, the settings will be here. Some of these might be overrided by Porto Menu elements. As you can see over feature, there are 6 types of main menu. And unders...


The Breadcrumb is the horizontal bar/section that sits directly below the header. You can choose the type and customize it. Porto offers the page header element. With this, you can display it individually per page or post. If you set the different type from Theme Option in the element,...


If you do wish to build a footer using the traditional method, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the Footer options. These options affect your website’s footer. This allows you to customize and add copyright and social icons. If you build with the footer builder,...