Search Results - Effect

Effects in Porto Heading

Porto 6.6.0 updates Porto Heading by adding two effects - Hover Image Floating and Highlight Animation. What is Hover Image Floating? This effect is to show the floating image on the inside of the text and hide on the outside. Options Floating Image: Select the hover floating image. Floating Offset: Control the offset of...

How to use Hover Split Effect?

Hover Split is new in Porto 6.6.0 and is the wonderful effect to actively make your sites. You can see an example in Seo3.  You can use it in Elmentor and WPBakery. How To Use the Hover Split. Create, or choose the section or row and enable "Mouse Hover Split?" in...

Cursor effect Widget

Porto 6.4.0 add this effect with Porto Cursor Effect widget. If you want to know how Cursor effect works, please check Business Consulting3 Demos. This effect changes your cursor variously. It is available in both Elementor and WPBakery. How To Use. First you should select the Hover Effect on Target. Outline Target is to...

How to add Particles effect

Porto Demo Business Consulting4 used Particles effect with custom styles and js. Porto 6.4.0 provides this function to Elementor Section and WPBakery Row. It's also easy to realize this effect. How To Use the Particels Effect Create, or choose the section or row and enable "Particles Effect" in the Porto Options. Particles...

How to add Scroll Paralax effect

Several Porto Demos (Architecture 2, Law Firm2 and etc) used Scroll Parallax effect with custom styles and js. Porto 6.4.0 provides this feature to Elementor Section and WPBakery Row. It's also easy to realize this effect. How To Use the Scoll Parallax. Create, or choose the section or row and enable...

How to add Hover Dir effects to elements

This effect decorates your site more luxuriously. Porto 6.4.0 add this effect to Porto Image Gallery. If you want to know how Hoverdir effect works, please check Beauty Demos. How To Use the Hoverdir Effect. Step 1. Create, or choose the Column into which you want to add your element. Click...

Banner Effects: Kenburns, Snowfall, Sparkle

Porto 6.1.0 provides 3 fantastic banner animation effects in the Porto Interactive Banner element: namely Kenburns, Snowfall and Sparkle effects. Porto 6.1.0 also offers 9+ banner overlay effects which are amazing. Please look at them in the Banner Element page. 1. Kenburns EffectThis effect might give you special feeling of smooth...

How to add floating effects to elements

Floating is an effect to change element's position smoothly when scrolling page. If you want to know how floating effects work, please check following urls. Custom Heading, Button and Single Image elements support floating effect. Floating Start Pos: Speificy the start position of element: None, Top or Bottom. Floating Speed:...

How to add animation effects to elements

There are two methods to add animation effects to elements when scrolling page. 1. Please use visual composer elements which provides animation effect fields such as Row, Column, Custom Heading, Button, Single Image and porto elements. animation type: css3 animation effect name animation duration: duration of animation effect in milliseconds animation delay: delay...

Points to be noted when migrating to Porto 6.10.0

Porto 6.10.0 released and fixed major user-friendly issues. Porto 6.10.0 release is here, bringing exciting new features and important bug fixes. First of all, we strongly recommend backing up your database before updating. This precautionary measure will ensure the safety of your data in case any unforeseen issues arise during...